Kutipan di koin 2 pound Inggris
Di salah satu sisi koin ada tulisan: elizabeth 2 dei gra reg fid def. Diambil dari bahasa latin: Elizabeth II Dei (tuhan) gratia (berkat) regina (ratu) fidelis (iman/fidelity) defensor (pembela/defender). Yang kalau disatukan: atas berkat rahmat tuhan, elizabeth 2, ratu dan pembela iman. Ckckck, Inggris itu negara religius.
Tulisan kedua: Standing on the shoulder of giants. Pasti tahu dong, ini dari siapa? Ya betul, dari Sir Isaac Newton.
Sekarang bebeknya sudah jadi. Saya mau pulang dulu...
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Sunny morning, cloudy evening
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Two Indonesians Prosecuted for Selling Ipad with English Manual
Detikcom reported that two Indonesians selling Ipad through the popular www.kaskus.us forum had been prossecuted. Indonesian consumer law Article 8(1) does prohibit business actors to sell computerware without equipping it with Indonesian language manual. Failure to comply entails a 5 year imprisonment. The law was, of course, meant to protect consumer. Sadly, it does not differentiate retail selling with direct selling. As a result, anyone wishing to sell their computer products through direct selling, will be liable for imprisonment, up to 5 years.
Kasus ini bermula ketika Dian dan Rendy menawarkan 2 buah Ipad 3G Wi Fi 64 GB di forum jual beli situs www.kaskus.us. Entah karena apa, tawaran ini membuat anggota polisi Polda Metro Jaya melakukan penyelidikan. Lantas, seorang anggota polisi, Eben Patar Opsunggu, menyamar sebagai pembeli. Transaksi pun dilakukan pada 24 November 2010 di City Walk, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat.
Lantas, keduanya ditangkap polisi. Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Endang, mendakwa keduanya melanggar Pasal 62 Ayat (1) juncto Pasal 8 Ayat (1) Huruf j UU/ UU 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen karena tidak memiliki manual book berbahasa Indonesia. Lalu, Pasal 52 juncto Pasal 32 Ayat (1) UU Nomor 36/ 1999 tentang Telekomunikasi, karena I Pad belum terkategori alat elektronik komunikasi resmi. Ancaman pidana penjara paling lama 5 tahun penjara. Kasus ini masih berlangsung di PN Jakarta Pusat.
This is of course, an absolute stupidity, a barrier to trade, and probably a violation of human rights. Judges are expected to be wise when adjudicating this case, but as far as Indonesian judges are concerned, one cannot expect too much, even for something as trivial as this.
Can foods are savior
This blog is becoming andy warholy :)
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Kuliah Sekarang Juga, Biaya Bukan Kendala (Sampoerna Foundation)
Hati hati web tracking. Apakah browser anda aman?
Buat teman teman yang jago IT, kira kira ada tekniknya nggak supaya browser kita nggak ninggalin fingerprint yang unik unik amat?
Buat yang nyari beasiswa hukum. AHRC BGP Doctoral Award (Law)
Closing Date
Friday, 15th July 2011
Job Type
Research & Teaching
School of Law
The School of Law invites applications for the AHRC BGP Doctoral Award available from October 2011. This scholarship covers:
• Full HEU fees and maintenance, providing a total of around £17,000* per annum (*estimate including Home/EU fees) students who are Home for fees purposes; or
• Full HEU fees (only) for students who are EU for fees purposes."
The Dalai Lama Walks Into a Pizza Shop (Joke)
This one is terribly funny. The Dalai Lama Walks into a Pizza shop and said: "Could you make me the one with everything"? Ha ha ha, too bad that non-dualism gag didn't work out coz our Dalai Lama knows no Pizza. But it was a funny joke!!! The one with everything... LOL
Foto foto di Dundee, Mei-Juni 2011
Foto foto di sekitar Dundee. Sempat ada badai beberapa waktu lalu menjelang musim panas. Foto yang sedang baca Kindle itu di botanical garden. Ada satu foto nyangkut yang bukan di Dundee, tapi di Glasgow. Ayo tebak foto yang mana.
LGD Issue 2010 (1) : Special Issue on Access to Justice in Indonesia
Nook simple touch lawan Kindle 3
Untouched Amazonian Tribe Caught On Camera [The Prime Directive]
Apakah kita punya traktat perlindungan Domestic Worker dengan KSA?
Universitas Terbuka di Korea
Water Companies not Covered by the UK Environmental Information Regulation
The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber), inSmartsource Drainage & Water Reports Limited ("Smartsource") v The Information Commissioner, has upheld the decision of the Information Commissioner ("IC") and found that privatised water and sewerage companies do not fall within the definition of public authorities for the purposes of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 ("the Regulations").
The scope of determining what is a public authority under the Regulations has always been wider than under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOIA"). This case will therefore also be of interest to privatised utility companies and other regulated bodies, as it looks at the issues of control and providing functions of public administration in relation to determing what is a public authority.
Under the Regulations, the public has a right to request environmental information from any public authority. The definition of "public authority" includes: a government department; all organisations covered under the FOIA; or any other body or person that carries out functions of public administration or is under the control of a public body and exercises environmental duties.
Smartsource made a request for information from 16 different privatised water and sewerage companies under the Regulations. All of the water companies refused to provide the information on the grounds that they were not public authorities for the purposes of the Regulations.
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Kategorisasi Badan Publik (UK)
Is there an ideology in transparency?
I suppose nothing is value free. Transparency itself is a norm for some people, although oftentime it is difficult to prove that its benefits outweighs its cost. This discussion must be very interesting. Unfortunately I am unable to find its archive. Well, some other time maybe. It’s a bit late for now. Time to hit the bed. Test done.