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Showing posts with label kip. Show all posts

Kategorisasi Badan Publik (UK)

Lagi meriset kategorisasi badan publik di UK, siapa tahu menarik buat komparasi:

Kelihatannya rapi dari luar, tapi kalau ditilik lebih dalam masih kacau juga. Beberapa regulator masuk kategori badan publik di satu dokumen, tapi tidak di dokumen lainnya.

Dasar penentuan Badan Publik di Freedom of Information Act (UK) 2000 adalah lewat lampiran undang-undang yang bisa diamandemen dari waktu ke waktu atau alternatifnya, Menteri Kehakiman dan Konstitusi (bukan Depkonminfonya, karena penentuan status badan publik termasuk permasalahan administratif umum, tidak terbatas pada FoI saja) diberikan kewenangan UU untuk mengkategorikan badan badan baru sebagai badan publik. Hal ini ditempuh lewat jalur konsultasi: (Click Link)

Mungkin sistem ini lebih memberikan kepastian dibandingkan sekadar interpretasi Undang Undang.

Yang menarik dalam konsultasi itu adalah analisis 'fungsional' dan 'budget' mengenai badan publik. Saya copy paste pertanyaan konsultasinya dibawah.

20. Some factors which may be relevant to determining these questions ­many of which have been considered by the courts in the contexts mentioned above - are identified below. The presence of one factor in any 
given case would not act as a reliable guide that the person in question would satisfy the test, as the question needs to be considered in all the circumstances of the particular case at hand. 
• The extent to which in carrying out the function in question the body is publicly funded. 
• The extent to which the organisation's activities are underpinned by statute.  For example, are an organisation's functions recognised by or provided for in legislation? If not, does the organisation nevertheless 
operate under the authority of the government or of another part of the public sector? 
• Whether the organisation exercises extensive or monopolistic powers, for example, by regulating entry to a trade, profession or sport. 
• Whether the organisation's source of power is derived from more than voluntary submission to its jurisdiction. For example, where a party has no choice but to submit to its jurisdiction if they wish to take part in a particular activity. 
• Whether the organisation seeks to achieve some collective benefit for the public, and is accepted by the public as having the authority to do so. 
• Whether the organisation participates in a significant way in the social affairs of the nation, pursuant to the public interest. 
• In the case of a regulatory organisation, whether but for the existence of that organisation, the government would inevitably have intervened to regulate the activity in question.

 2.2 Appropriateness of coverage 
21. Considerations that might be suitable to be taken into account under this heading include whether the organisation concerned receives public funding and whether the benefits of public access to the information held appear to outweigh any negative impacts, for example in terms of additional burdens on resources. 

2.2.1 Organisation funding 
22. It may be appropriate to extend coverage of the Act only to those organisations that receive funding from the public purse or from fees charged as a consequence of performing a public function. Since only information relating to an organisation's public functions would be covered by the Act, it would seem logical to specify those functions as the ones in respect of which an organisation to be included in a section 5 order should receive public funding. 
23. There are a number of different sources of public funding for organisations, including core funding, funding for infrastructure purposes and funding to deliver specified services. Some functions of a public nature are funded by the charging of a levy.  For example, the Pensions Ombudsman, who is already covered by the Act, is funded by a levy on pension providers. 
Q3: Should some form of public funding be essential in order for an organisation to be considered for inclusion in a section 5 order, or should this be just one of a number of relevant factors to be considered? 
Q4: Are there any organisations or categories of organisations that do not receive public funding but that you believe should be covered by the Act? Please explain why.