Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Attention ALL Researchers, Google Scholars Citation Profile is Open to All!


Quickly sign up! A very important and a must have research tool, the Google Scholars Citation records every articles that cites yours. Google also calculate your h-index and your i-10 index. 

According to Google, The Google Scholars Citation Profile:
  • Track citations to your publications: Check who is citing your publications. Graph your citations over time. Compute citation metrics.
  • View publications by colleagues: Keep up with their work. See their citation metrics.
  • Appear in Google Scholar search results: Create a public profile that can appear in Google Scholar when someone searches for your name.
So, what else are you waiting for? If you are in the research industry, this is a must have tool.
Here’s a step by step guide on doing the set-up:
1. Insert your profile detail, you will need an academic email address
gscol profile

2. Insert your articles as indexed by Google Scholar. I must admit that not all of my articles are indexed by Google.
add articles

3. Select if you wish to add auto list to your profile.

4. And…. upload your pic! There you can see your H-Index. I am a bit shy with my H-Index Smile 

But, there is a defence: I know for sure that citation in edited books do not generally get computed with Google’s H-Index. Articles which are not in the public domain may also fall outside Google’s radar. Hence, in order to enlarge your H-Index, ask permission from your publisher to put it online!
See also, Google’s official announcement: Google Scholar Citations Open To All

The Mobile Researcher #3: Using Windows 7 Virtual Wifi with AWUS036H (Realtek 8187)

I have previously featured AWUS036H long range Wifi extender on my previous post. If you are using Windows 7 (like me), you will notice that Windows actually has built-in capability to create a virtual wifi which you can use to tether your laptop with another wireless device. The virtual wifi tricks Win 7 so that it thinks it has two wireless card, one used a station, and the other can be used as a ‘soft’ access point. 

The AWUS036H is using Realtek chipset and driver for Windows 7 (download here) and has that Soft AP capability accessible through its user interface. I have been using that for one day but last night it suddenly stopped working, after working for a few seconds each time it is enabled.

This morning I figured out why. And that was because I haven’t manually enable the Wifi. Here’s how (Via Novelust):

Type C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MYLAPTOPSWIFI key=mypassword

You should see output similar to
The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.

Type C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork

You should see output similar to
The hosted network started.

Now share your active internet connection to this Virtual WIFI and connect from another device to MYLAPTOPSWIFI

So this how it works from my Command Prompt:


Of course, you can use the above built in virtual wifi without AWUS 063H. But in case you are, you need to enable it in your ALFA user interface. There, you can also reset the password and determine the encryption by clicking the ‘config’ button (see below).

As you can see my blackberry is constantly connected without experiencing any glitch:


And the wireless wifi extender working at the same time it is acting as an Access Point:




1. The Mobile Researcher #2: Long Range Wireless Antenna
2. The Mobile Researcher #1: Converters

Attention all Kindler!! Whispersync for Personal Document!

I am very excited. Today Amazon announced the feature that I’ve been waiting for. A re-download feature for all the personal document sent to our Kindle plus – and this is the great news – a whispersync feature for Personal Document. What this means is that all your notes and bookmarks on your personal document will be sync to your Kindle for PC, Kindle for Blackberry, Kindle for Ipad and many other Kindle softwares and across your Kindles. Isn’t that great??

In order to get these benefits you will have to upgrade your Kindle’s OS into version 3.3.



Dear Kindle Customer,

As a past user of the Kindle Personal Documents Service, we are pleased to let you know about some improvements:

• Your documents are now automatically archived in your Kindle library (you can control this from the Manage Your Kindle page at

• Archived documents can be re-downloaded from your archive to the all-new Kindle and Kindle Touch devices, as well as Kindle Keyboard (Kindle 3rd Generation--requires the latest software update v3.3 from – you will be able to find and download your documents from any of these devices that are registered to your account.

• Now (just as with Kindle books) Whispersync automatically synchronizes your last page read, bookmarks and annotations for your documents (with the exception of PDFs) across devices.

We expect to extend these features to Kindle Fire and Kindle apps (such as Kindle Cloud Reader, Kindle for Android, Kindle for iPhone, Kindle for PC, and Kindle for Mac) in the coming months.

You can control these new features from the Manage Your Kindle page at where you can see a list of your archived documents, re-deliver documents to your Kindle, delete any document from archive, or even turn off archiving for your account.

Learn more about the Kindle Personal Documents Service from our help pages at

Thank you for choosing Kindle, Kindle Support

The Mobile Researcher #2: Long Range Wireless Antenna

I am working from café to café in Phnom Penh and although wifi connection is abundant, access could be a problem sometimes. 

You also work from cafes? From your hotel room? Your café or hotel’s wireless connection is very weak? Or, you don’t have a wireless connection at your café or in your hotel room?

What you need is a long range wireless Antenna. This one from Alfa (AWUS036H, cost +/- USD 32) works up to hundreds of meters (some say it works up to 460 meters). So you can buy a cup of coffee at a café and go to another place within the wifi range and you can still enjoy the free wireless connection (if they haven’t change the password of course).


As you can see below, I can detect wireless signals from stations a few hundred meters away:



The good thing with this product is that it can work both as a wifi enhancer and an access point (AP). An AP mode means that you could stream your hotel or office LAN as a wifi signal, for your blackberrys, iphone and Kindle Smile

Here’s a tip: McDonalds usually provide free open wifi. So if you stay in a room or is working in a café without any wifi connection, have a look for McDonalds in your neighborhood.



Ps: The antenna could also be used for packet injection, that is to say, to hack a wireless router. But, unless it is your own wifi router you are hacking, it is illegal to do so. Hence, I shall not discuss it here.

Google Voice is Cheaper than Skype!! (Tariff Comparison)

That’s it, I’m moving to Google Voice. It costs only 3 cent dollar/per minute to call to Jakarta (Landline) with Google Voice whereas with Skype (Pay as you go price), it will cost you 4.4 dollar cent. For mobile, Google Voice is significantly cheaper, the margin is 5.8 dollar cent.

Gvoice call qualities have also significantly improved. In fact, its video qualities are better than Skype.



Digital Era Governance–Kapan Datang ke Indonesia?

Salah satu tema besar dalam tate kelola pemerintahan ('Governance’) adalah ramalan Dunleavy dkk tentang matinya New Public Management dan digantinya NPM dengan ‘Digital Era Governance’. Ciri-ciri NPM menurut Dunleavy ada 3: Disagregasi (pemisahan pemerintahan menjadi agensi agensi), Kompetisi (penggunaan outsourcing, alternatif supplier, penjualan aset dan deregulasi) serta Insentivisasi (misalnya lewat privatisasi, gaji disesuaikan dengan proforma dan dividen sektor publik).

Trend trend tersebut akan meredup dan diganti dengan Digital Era Governance (DEG) yang memiliki ciri ciri: Reintegrasi (yang tadinya terbagai dalam beberapa agensi mungkin disatukan kembali menjadi organisasi besar), ‘Needs based holism’ (onse stop solution untuk berbagai masalah dan struktur yang berfokus pada pelayanan – dan bukan semata kemauan birokrasi) serta Digitalisasi (misalnya pelayanan dan pengiriman elektronik, automatisasi, penghilangan birokrasi perantara dan sebagainya).

Sebenarnya beberapa fitur DEG ini sudah dapat ditemukan di Indonesia, misalnya dengan adanya pelayanan perpajakan online, atau di bidang yudikatif, lewat publikasi putusan-putusan Mahkamah Agung dan sebagainya. Hanya kelihatannya ada kendala birokrasi. Misalnya, dalam hal eksekusi putusan, para pihak yang bertikai atau pejabat pemerintahan tidak percaya ketika diberikan putusan yang di download online, dan tetap menunggu kabar berupa surat resmi pengadilan yang disampaikan juru sita pengadilan.

Salah satu elemen lain dari DEG adalah:

However, recent literature on governance pays more attention to the consumer side of the regulation, rather the investor side. Consider for example, Dunleavy's seminal paper "New Public Management is Dead -- Long Live Digital Era Governance" which argued that people are no longer a passive recipient of a public service, but also an actor and a partner. Other literature argued that the case where customer has no say on how the store is run, is no longer the trend. Disempowering customer from regulation has, in many instances, produces failures. For example, a steep increase in water tariff results in inability to pay. Inability to pay leads to disconnection. Disconnection leads to unpaid investment (in installing water meters and extending  pipelines to household) and in water theft. Water theft and unpaid investments leads to even higher tariffs. Finally, in the end of the day, the whole system collapse.

Berikut video dari Helen Margetts yang menjelaskan mengenai konsep DEG:


  1. Presentasi Dunleavy tentang DEG di OECD

Kenapa internet di Indonesia lambat?

Mungkin salah satu jawabannya adalah: karena kekurangan infrastruktur. Dari hasil telusuran peta kabel bawah laut, tampak pulau Jawa hanya memiliki akses ke beberapa kabel komunikasi bawah laut, sementara pulau pulau lainnya ada yang (dari peta tersebut) tampak tidak terhubung sama sekali.

Pulau Jawa:


Pulau pulai lainnya:


Coba bandingkan dengan Jepang:



OK, jangan jauh jauh deh, negara tetangga kita saja, Singapura dan Malaysia:



Silahkan coba sendiri di Cablemap.

Hati hati web tracking. Apakah browser anda aman?

Saya mencoba dua kali mengetes browser chrome saya dengan Panopticlick . Satu dengan setting biasa dan yang kedua dengan mengaktifkan 'incognito'. Hasilnya:

Dari 411,980 data browser, cuma 1 yang compatible dengan data saya. Berarti fingerprint saya unik. Kalau saya melakukan kegiatan kegiatan terlarang, bakal gampang dilacak :D Fingerprint browser saya mungkin bisa dijadikan barang bukti di pengadilan.

Buat teman teman yang jago IT, kira kira ada tekniknya nggak supaya browser kita nggak ninggalin fingerprint yang unik unik amat?