Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

Kritik Kocak Stephen Colbert atas Prasangka Media Barat Terhadap Tragedi Norwegia

Stephen Colbert, komedian yang dulu juga pernah mengangkat kontroversi salaman Tifatul Sembiring dengan Nyonya Obama kali ini mengkritik media barat karena menjatuhkan prasangka bahwa pelaku pemboman Norwegia adalah teroris Muslim.

Colbert mengkritik Wall Street Journal, kolumnis Washington Post, New York Times dan beberapa tayangan Fox News yang terburu buru menuduh pelaku pemboman Oslo sebagai bagian dari Al Qaeda, atau beragama Islam. Silahkan saksikan kritik kocaknya berikut:

Just because Norway's confessed murderer is a blond, blue-eyed, Norwegian-born, anti-Muslim crusader doesn't mean he's not a swarthy, ululating madman.”

Anders Behring Breivik 's Facebook & Twitter Page

There does not seem to be anything unusual with (what is alleged to be) Anders Behring Breivik 's facebook and twitter page. The facebook page has been taken down, don't know by who, but it is still visible through google's cache. The twitter page, only has one tweet, apparently a quotation from J.S. Mill "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests."
Among the books featured is "On Liberty" (from J.S. Mill) and there is also Orwell's 1984. It looks like that he is a gamer (world of warcraft) and a fan of Caprica and Stargate. But some said this page is quite new, so probably not that accurate to be used for profiling.
I still fail to comprehend what motivated him to do such horrible things.