Conserving your Tweets in Evernote using IFTTT

IFTTT (If This, Then That) is an amazingly simple platform to cross-update your social network as well as other services. Most of us used services such as twitterfeed (and I still do too) to cross update statuses among social networks, but IFTTT is a lot more simpler and rich in features.

IFTTT can be crosslinked with many services (including gmail, instapaper and evernote – facebook and flickr is of course there too) and set these services as trigger. When one services is put as a trigger, it will then update the other service.

Now I am using IFTTT to conserve my tweet in Evernote. I know that there are lots of tweet conservatories are there, but I want all my notes put at a single repository. As I can access evernote from virtually any device (including my blackberry), Evernote is then a perfect place to conserve my tweets.

Here is how:

1. Sign up to IFTTT
2. Activate both your evernote and twitter services (will lead you to the OAuth)
3. Click recipes
4. Find the recipe below:


The recipe will automatically store your tweets in a specified notebook, so if you leave the recipe as it is, they are perfectly fine. Of course can also customized the name of the notebook and add more parameters. The recipe box looks like this:


I don’t bother to mingle with the recipe, so I left it as is. Here’s what my notebook looks like:


Every tweets, its links, including my replies are conserved. I like doing long, serial tweets. So if one day I want to use my tweet as ingredients for my blog post, they are all there in my evernote.

Google Voice is Cheaper than Skype!! (Tariff Comparison)

That’s it, I’m moving to Google Voice. It costs only 3 cent dollar/per minute to call to Jakarta (Landline) with Google Voice whereas with Skype (Pay as you go price), it will cost you 4.4 dollar cent. For mobile, Google Voice is significantly cheaper, the margin is 5.8 dollar cent.

Gvoice call qualities have also significantly improved. In fact, its video qualities are better than Skype.



Milis Water Jakarta, Silahkan Bergabung

Sebagai tindak lanjut workshop ECOTAS-Tifa di Jakarta beberapa minggu lalu, saya membuat milis Water Jakarta bagi para peserta workshop untuk mendiskusikan follow-up rekomendasi penelitian. Saya dengan ini mengundang teman teman lain yang tertarik dengan permasalahan air di Jakarta untuk bergabung.

Ada beberapa agenda penting berkenaan dengan pengaturan air Jakarta yang kita perlu bahas bersama. Diantaranya:

1. Membuka kontrak kontrak konsesi air dengan pihak swasta ke publik
2. Mempublikasikan dokumen dokumen regulasi air ke 'public domain'
3. Pembuatan Draft Peraturan Daerah Air Jakarta

Laporan riset, rekomendasi, prosiding dan booklet dari workshop Insya Allah akan saya posting di blog ini.

Untuk bergabung, bubuhkan email anda dibawah:

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The Atheist Christmas Carol (by Vienna Teng)

I found this song spiritual, despite its title. Don't Forget I love you, 'God' says.
Hope is currency, and death is not the last unknown!

"The Atheist Christmas Carol"

It's the season of grace coming out of the void
Where a man is saved by a voice in the distance
It's the season of possible miracle cures
Where hope is currency and death is not the last unknown
Where time begins to fade
And age is welcome home

It's the season of eyes meeting over the noise
And holding fast with sharp realization
It's the season of cold making warmth a divine intervention
You are safe here you know now

Don't forget
Don't forget I love
I love
I love you

It's the season of scars and of wounds in the heart
Of feeling the full weight of our burdens
It's the season of bowing our heads in the wind
And knowing we are not alone in fear
Not alone in the dark 

Kebab "Mahal" di Edinburgh (Tapi murah dan enak)

Nama tokonya "Kebab Mahal". Tapi sebenarnya harga kebabnya murah murah. Shish kebab termurah yang pernah saya makan. Katanya sih spesialitasnya di makanan ber kari.

For the English speaking: the kebabs are quite cheap. They said that the curries are the most delicious in town. Location is not far from Edinburgh Waverley station.

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