Selamat Tahun Baru 2013

@ailumulia write: When I started 2012, I made it very clear that this year will be the hard work year. The year when I must finish most of my field work, Mova must submit and defend his PhD thesis, and the year when we must maintain on and off (again) long distance relationship.

So against all temptations, I put aside desires and unrealistic plans. I said to my self, 2012 I will focus on 2 most matters in my life at this stage: my relationship with Mova and my PhD. It was not easy to focus on only 2 things, since I have million other important things. But to do/be good at these 2 are hard enough. And to maintain these 2 are my priority, at this stage.

Here we are at the end of 2012, I am so grateful for what Mova and I have achieved so far. But this year is not ending yet. To Mova and I, the real new sheet will start in February. Both Mova and I have big milestones in February. And before we pass these milestones, it is hard to speak about new resolution.

Nonetheless, expectations are hardest to kill. This evening, while looking at the last sunset of this year, I prayed for 3 kinds of improvements in me. And in these self improvements, I shall focus on my personality development in 2013.

Happy new year 2013 to those of you who celebrate. Best wishes :)