To God :)

Allah, I don't know where should I write this down. I just feel better when I write my mind down.

Thank you for tonight. I don't know why I deserve this. After what I have done to my self, abandoning you in me. You poked my mind tonight. You make me realize of one underlying cause of my unhappiness inside. I have fear, I am faithless. That's why I have been so unsettled.

Thank you and you know I am now crying out loud now in my heart. I am so happy and joyful tonight, to feel your love again. I have no doubt of absolute love. Because I feel your love no matter how badly I abandon you inside and outside.

I will kill this fear away. I will gain my full faith in you. It is never too late.

Mulia :)

Knowing what I want

Over the years, I learn something about my self. And I've done some thinking, and reflecting back. In short:

No matter how certain I am about what I want, I will feel doubt again when I get the exact thing I want. So, to know what I want is not my concern anymore. My concern is to be happy with what I have :)

Dry empty rotten garlic

If there is anything I truly want now is to be at Beshara and meet the reality there. Or at least Palestine, and be the change I wana see.

Now and here, I am not only captivated by the dry empty rotten garlic. I am the dry empty rotten garlic. I smell so good, I am tasty. Yet I am just dry empty rotten garlic, as described by Rumi.

Allah help me, please.

Beberapa Hal Menarik yang Ditemui Selama Traveling Kemarin

Makanan satu porsi, enaknya bukan main, harganya cuman 4 ringgit sudah pakai kopi. Kopinya juga enak banget. Mungkin hanya di Penang :)

Ke rumah kawan di Copenhagen, surprise lihat poster VISIT PALESTINE gede banget di ruang utama nya :) ternyata teman saya pernah melakukan penelitian di Palestine dan sangat kesengsem :)

Call for candidates Summer School on Women, Peace and Security 2012

[Attachment(s) from Faisal Akbaruddin Taqwa included below]

Tapping the water market? The US Water Partnership

A few days ago Secretary Clinton announced the formation of US Water Partnership. Details are sketchy at the moment but we all know that state’s involvement in water networking is nothing new. Netherlands are quite active through their alliance with the world bank (BNWP), French through Coalition D' Eau/World Water Council and Stockholm through their World Water Week.

It seems that the US are now joining those list of states which mobilizes their resources on the water sector. From any angle, politics, economics and technology, the potential is huge. Read more here.



Call for Applicants: Ewha Global Empowerment Program 2012 Summer

Ewha Global Empowerment Program (2012 summer)
"Asian Feminisms and Transnational Activism"
July 5 - 18, 2012
Asian Center for Women's Studies, Ewha Womans University
Seoul, South Korea
The Asian Center for Women's Studies at Ewha Womans University is calling for applicants for the Ewha Global Empowerment Program (EGEP) 2012 summer. EGEP is a two-week program that will take place twice a year (January and July). It aims to empower women working in non-governmental public sectors and to nourish the next generation of women leaders in Asia and Africa. EGEP 2012 summer (July 5-18, 2012) is designed for women activists in non-governmental public sectors in Asia, with the theme of "Asian Feminisms and Transnational Activism."

Program Goals
On completing this program, participants of this program will have:
           - improved their theoretical knowledge and practical capacities from a gender perspective;
           - broadened their understanding of women's lives, women's issues, and women's rights in              
             Asian context; and
           -strengthened their leadership capacities to build women's solidarity and cooperation in local,
             national, and transnational contexts.
With minimum three years of experience, women activists working in international and national non-governmental public sectors in Asia, such as NGOs, NPOs, civil society organizations, including individuals working independently are encouraged to apply for this program.

Number of Participants: 20~25

While a more specific EGEP curriculum will be provided separately, the following is the major activity that participants may expect from the program:
            -EGEP open forum
            -EGEP workshop
            -Action plans
            -Study tours to Korean NGOs
            -Cultural and social events

English is the official language of the EGEP.

Application Requirements
            -Application Form
            -Statement of Purpose
            -Letter of Recommendation
            -Curriculum Vitae
            -A Scanned Copy of Passport
※Application requirements should submitted via online ( ).
Submission Date: April 2 ~ 15, 2012 (Korean local time). Late applications will not be considered.
※All forms are downloadable at the Asian Center for Women's Studies ( ).
Selection Criteria
The selection committee will evaluate the applicants based on the following criteria:
 field experience                                                                         25%
 expertise in women's issues                                                       25%
 potential as next generation of women leaders                            25%
 contribution to the community                                                    25%
※Successful candidates will be informed individually via e-mail on May 14, 2012.
Ewha Womans University provides the funding to cover fees for the tuition, dormitory including a two-week allowance for all the participants. Funds for airfare will be awarded only to the participants from Korean ODA beneficiary countries.
For more information, please visit our website at
or contact us via email at

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