Alkisah mencari rendang lebaran di Kopenhagen

Saat lebaran 2011 ini kita baru seminggu di Kopenhagen. Rencananya akan pulang lagi ke Dundee setelah menghabiskan 2 minggu di Kopenhagen, dan kemudian berangkat ke Phnom Penh.

@mulianurhasan sempat riset dan telefon sana sini. Telpon masjid Syiah, Ied nya tanggal 31. Masjid Ahmadiyyah tanggal 1 (bisa juga ya beda dua hari?). Karena sebagian besar eropa sudah lebaran, kita putuskan tanggal 30 berhenti puasa.

Berhubung di rantau dan tidak sempat masak, kita rencananya mau berburu rendang. Kebetulan pas naik bis ke tengah kota pernah melihat ada restoran Bali Indonesia di Kongens Nytorf. Siapa tahu ada rendang disana....

Sore hari berbekal lapar dan hujan, saya menjemput Istri dari kantor untuk bersama sama ke restoran itu. Sampai disana tempatnya sepi dan tidak ada pintu masuknya. Akhirnya kita menemukan ada tangga masuk. Kita naik ke atas. Walhasil, ternyata restorannya sudah tutup, bangkunya sudah tidak ada. Kita tanya ke cafe di bawah kalau mungkin pindah tempat, mereka bilang benar2 tutup. Melayanglah impian makan rendang.

Akhirnya kita putuskan untuk pergi ke Norrebro yang banyak komunitas Islamnya dan makan malam di Konya kebab, restoran langganan. Sampai disana restorannya penuh sesak. Harus tunggu lama baru bisa dapet kebab. Tapi senang juga ketemu banyak orang yang merayakan lebaran.

Tidak ada rendang, kebab pun jadi.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Dipenjara 18 bulan karena meng kopi data via USB?

Kalau benar, cerita ini sangat memprihantinkan:

I won't tell her name here. What you need to know is that my sweet Balinese friend, who likes kids and crafts, has been sentenced to a jail time of 18 month for, basically, having used her flashdisk.

She works in Bali, in a small painting and craft shop. What they do is, they build picture catalogs from examples taken in magazines or on the web, and commission them to painters on customers orders.

Last year, she thought she could start her own business, and built a small website using some of her shop's references. Keep in mind, these references don't belong to anybody in particular, they are just the result of some image search. But apparently her boss didn't appreciate, and asked her to close the website. Which she did. [edit: She never actually used the pics, and cancelled the website's publication]

It wasn't enough. Maybe Mr. Boss smelled good money, and he sued her for unfair competition. Time passed, and many parties got involved. It didn't take too long to find out there was no harm done business wise, but hey, you gotta get the money a way or another, so Mr.Boss sued her again, this time for illegal copy of digital material. That's were things got really wrong.

Sayangnya tidak dibahas disitu yang dilanggar apa, UU ITE, perjanjian kerahasiaan (Non Disclosure Agreement) atau UU Persaingan Usaha. Silahkan teman teman di media massa mengkonfirmasi cerita ini.

Not so many ways leads to riverside Tesco #Dundee

I heard someone asked: "excuse me, do you know if I can get to Tesco from here?".

Same question I asked three years ago and the answer is still no. (So that person must be a newcomer).

If you happens to be standing on this spot, you are looking at Tesco there accross the railtrack. But there is no bridge that will take you across the railtrack. You'll have to go to the station first and turn right.
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Dundee Sunlight (pics)

Gotta blog this one. Dundee is sunny. Ye workers arise from yer slumber workspaces and arise to the parks!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Water Security: The Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus

The World Economic Forum Water Initiative recently launched a book titled “Water Security: The Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus”. You can buy the book from Amazon here. The introductory section can be downloaded  from WEF website.

Endnote vs Zotero, The Verdict?

There’s an article at the Chronicle for Higher Education reviewing Endnote vs Zotero. Here’s the summary:

  1. Cost: Zotero. It’s free.
  2. Collecting online sources: Zotero. Although Endnote has endnote web, but Zotero is much more versatile
  3. Sync: Zotero
  4. Overall speed: Endnote
  5. Citation speed: Endnote
  6. Citation editing speed: Zotero (for beginners), Endnote (for advanced users)
  7. Sharing sources: Zotero
  8. Finding full text: Endnote, it has links to libraries
  9. Creating sources from PDF. Surprisingly, he said Zotero, because it is integrated with Google Scholar. But endnote is integrated with DoI
  10. Customizeability: Endnote

My verdict: Endnote still wins, because I fancy speed. Slow citation manager may cause frustration. 

BBC Life of Muhammad Episode 2

Episode kedua ini berjudul Holy Wars, mengangkat kisah kisah peperangan dari mulai perang Badr, Khandaq sampai peristiwa pembunuhan Banu Qurayza. Peristiwa Banu Qurayza tersebut mendapat porsi menarik di tayangan BBC ini, dengan mengemukakan pendapat dari beberapa kalangan, Yahudi, Kristen dan Islam. Tariq Ramadan mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang peristiwa tersebut. Sayang Karen Amstrong – yang juga dijadikan nara sumber – tidak ditanya pendapatnya atas masalah ini.


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