My human right to pee costs me 20 pence

"The human right to water doesn't mean that water should be free"
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Kritik Kocak Stephen Colbert atas Prasangka Media Barat Terhadap Tragedi Norwegia

Stephen Colbert, komedian yang dulu juga pernah mengangkat kontroversi salaman Tifatul Sembiring dengan Nyonya Obama kali ini mengkritik media barat karena menjatuhkan prasangka bahwa pelaku pemboman Norwegia adalah teroris Muslim.

Colbert mengkritik Wall Street Journal, kolumnis Washington Post, New York Times dan beberapa tayangan Fox News yang terburu buru menuduh pelaku pemboman Oslo sebagai bagian dari Al Qaeda, atau beragama Islam. Silahkan saksikan kritik kocaknya berikut:

Just because Norway's confessed murderer is a blond, blue-eyed, Norwegian-born, anti-Muslim crusader doesn't mean he's not a swarthy, ululating madman.”


Asia Leaders Programme Fellowship
Academic Year 2012-2013

Overview of Instructions for preparing an application
Applicants must submit the following documents by 14 October 2011. Please read the guidelines carefully to determine which documentation is needed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  1. Fill out the on-line application form

  2. Gather, scan and email a PDF copy of all of the following materials:
    1. Official Undergraduate Transcript (Original or certified true copy)
    2. Official BA Degree
    3. Curriculum Vitae or Résumé
    4. Two statements of purpose, one for each of the two MA Programmes of your choice
    5. English Proficiency Scores Report
    6. Copy of Passport
    Please email all materials in PDF format (WORD format is not valid) to the following email, by 14 October We will confirm receipt of application materials by e-mail as soon as possible.
  3. Request two letters of recommendation of faculty or other individuals qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study, and have them email the letters to UPEACE.

Detailed instructions and links for preparing an application
1. ON LINE application form
2. OFFICIAL UNDERGRADUATE TRANSCRIPT (original or certified true copy)
Original transcript of records must be of a four-year Bachelor's degree (first University degree) with the official grading system in the original language and must come along with an official English translation, bearing the original signature of the Registrar and the school seal.
Certified True Copies must bear the original signature of the Registrar and the school seal. Copies certified by Public Notaries are not valid
Transcripts of records of MA programmes are not accepted
3.OFFICIAL BACHELOR'S DEGREE (original or certified true copy)
The copy of the Diploma must be in the original language and must come with its official English translation.
Certified True Copies must bear the original signature of the Registrar and the school seal. Copies certified by Public Notaries are not valid.
The Curriculum Vitae or Résumé must clearly state the following information:
  • Name of applicant
  • Applicant's birth date
  • E-mail address
  • Postal address
  • Phone number
  • Academic background (including institution name, graduation year and degree obtained)
  • Working experience (including name of the institution, date of beginning, ending date and position)
  • Multicultural exchanges
  • Any other relevant information
The statements of purpose must be between 500 and 1000 words each, must clearly indicate which MA Programmes it is for and must respond to the following questions:
  • Why have you decided to apply to the Asia Leaders Programme?
  • What are your expectations for the UPEACE Academic Programme?
  • What are your career goals after graduation?
It is MANDATORY for all applicants. The following are the only English Proficiency Tests accepted:
TESTIntermediate levelAdvance level
(minimum score)
TOEFL Paper based (PBT)513-529530
TOEFL Computer based (CBT)183-214215
TOEFL Internet Based (IBT)71-8990
IELTSBand 5.5-6.5Band 7.0

  1. The original scores can be also sent by ETS, British Council or IDP to UPEACE
  2. TOEIC and TOEFL-ITP are not accepted
  3. Tests of more than two years old are not valid. Applicants who took the English Test more than two years ago must repeat the test.
  4. An English Language Phone Interview may be part of the selection process. Applicants will be notified in advance if such an interview is needed.
The copy must be of the passport pages showing the following information:
  • Name
  • Photo
  • Birth date
  • Birthplace
  • Issuance and expiration date
Passport validity must be for at least 6 months after the end of the Programme (April 2014)
Some valid referees or recommenders are:
  • Former professors
  • Faculty Deans
  • Academic Advisors
  • Immediate Supervisors
  • Research Project Managers
  • Mentors
Letters from family members or close friends are not accepted.
Each letter must be attached to the Cover Form, which can be downloaded here
Forward Cover Forms to recommenders, and have them attach it to the letter of recommendation. They must scan and email both the letter and Cover Form directly to UPEACE.

Digital Era Governance–Kapan Datang ke Indonesia?

Salah satu tema besar dalam tate kelola pemerintahan ('Governance’) adalah ramalan Dunleavy dkk tentang matinya New Public Management dan digantinya NPM dengan ‘Digital Era Governance’. Ciri-ciri NPM menurut Dunleavy ada 3: Disagregasi (pemisahan pemerintahan menjadi agensi agensi), Kompetisi (penggunaan outsourcing, alternatif supplier, penjualan aset dan deregulasi) serta Insentivisasi (misalnya lewat privatisasi, gaji disesuaikan dengan proforma dan dividen sektor publik).

Trend trend tersebut akan meredup dan diganti dengan Digital Era Governance (DEG) yang memiliki ciri ciri: Reintegrasi (yang tadinya terbagai dalam beberapa agensi mungkin disatukan kembali menjadi organisasi besar), ‘Needs based holism’ (onse stop solution untuk berbagai masalah dan struktur yang berfokus pada pelayanan – dan bukan semata kemauan birokrasi) serta Digitalisasi (misalnya pelayanan dan pengiriman elektronik, automatisasi, penghilangan birokrasi perantara dan sebagainya).

Sebenarnya beberapa fitur DEG ini sudah dapat ditemukan di Indonesia, misalnya dengan adanya pelayanan perpajakan online, atau di bidang yudikatif, lewat publikasi putusan-putusan Mahkamah Agung dan sebagainya. Hanya kelihatannya ada kendala birokrasi. Misalnya, dalam hal eksekusi putusan, para pihak yang bertikai atau pejabat pemerintahan tidak percaya ketika diberikan putusan yang di download online, dan tetap menunggu kabar berupa surat resmi pengadilan yang disampaikan juru sita pengadilan.

Salah satu elemen lain dari DEG adalah:

However, recent literature on governance pays more attention to the consumer side of the regulation, rather the investor side. Consider for example, Dunleavy's seminal paper "New Public Management is Dead -- Long Live Digital Era Governance" which argued that people are no longer a passive recipient of a public service, but also an actor and a partner. Other literature argued that the case where customer has no say on how the store is run, is no longer the trend. Disempowering customer from regulation has, in many instances, produces failures. For example, a steep increase in water tariff results in inability to pay. Inability to pay leads to disconnection. Disconnection leads to unpaid investment (in installing water meters and extending  pipelines to household) and in water theft. Water theft and unpaid investments leads to even higher tariffs. Finally, in the end of the day, the whole system collapse.

Berikut video dari Helen Margetts yang menjelaskan mengenai konsep DEG:


  1. Presentasi Dunleavy tentang DEG di OECD

Anders Behring Breivik 's Facebook & Twitter Page

There does not seem to be anything unusual with (what is alleged to be) Anders Behring Breivik 's facebook and twitter page. The facebook page has been taken down, don't know by who, but it is still visible through google's cache. The twitter page, only has one tweet, apparently a quotation from J.S. Mill "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests."
Among the books featured is "On Liberty" (from J.S. Mill) and there is also Orwell's 1984. It looks like that he is a gamer (world of warcraft) and a fan of Caprica and Stargate. But some said this page is quite new, so probably not that accurate to be used for profiling.
I still fail to comprehend what motivated him to do such horrible things.

Video Skype Nazaruddin dengan Iwan Piliang

Abis ditembak orang katanya. Ini beritanya di Jakpost. Banyak menyerang Bung Anas dan cerita 'deal deal' di KPK. Wah, KPK bisa diarah lagi nih...

Google Scholar launched “Track Citation” and “Authors Profile”

A super cool way for measuring your ‘intellectual influence’. Google scholar recently launched a tool to easily track citation to papers you authored. The tool can enable automatic addition of newly published articles to our profile. This is an example of an author profile, featuring Richard Feynman.


The tool is currently on limited launch, but Google said that it will make it available to all soon. Though my papers are not as influential as Feynman (ehm…),  I have signed up for an authors profile too Smile

Materi I-4 Talks tentang Hukum dan Kebijakan Air

Satu minggu yang lalu saya diminta teman-teman I-4 untuk berpartisipasi dalam program I-4 talks. Selesai program, saya diberitahu oleh moderator bahwa banyak teman-teman yang tertarik untuk mendapatkan presentasinya.

Dibawah ini, saya sertakan tautan ke beberapa paper dan presentasi yang pernah saya buat, yang berkaitan dengan hukum dan kebijakan air:


  1. Safeguarding Water Contracts in Indonesia (3/2 Law, Environment and Development Journal (2007), p. 148)


Ditunggu komentar dan diskusinya….

How to travel to Taiwan from mainland China (Google Maps)

This is what happens when you ask Google Map on how to travel to Taiwan from mainland China

Anti Privatization Debate, Opaque Rules and Neglected ‘Privatised’ Water Services Provision: Some Lessons from Indonesia

Below is my background paper for a conference held at IDS, Sussex University, a few months ago. It is being submitted for a publication, so I may need to withdraw this draft once the paper is accepted. Comments welcome!

Access here:

 Anti Privatization Debate, Opaque Rules and Neglected 'Privatised' Water Services Provision: Some Lessons from Indonesia

Mohamad Mova Al 'Afghani 

University of Dundee - Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science

July 14, 2011

Out of 100 Articles in the Water Law, only one is dedicated to specifically regulate the drinking water and sanitation sector. Even this one article regulates Private Sector Participation (PSP) very vaguely. The Water Law neither provides clarity on the form of ownership nor the desired regulatory model. The implementing regulation of the Water Law implies that contracts between the government and the private sector will be the desired model, but left no clarity as to how the contract should be regulated.

As a result, there is a major lack of regulation in the water services sector. The idea to retain the ownership of assets while allowing PSP through contracts appears to be a modus-vivendi generated by the privatization debate. However, the contracts are not complemented by higher regulation to safeguard consumer's interest. In many regions, service levels and consumers rights are thus subjected to contractual negotiations to be agreed bilaterally between the authorities and the private sector while citizens are considered only as an auxiliary to the whole process.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 11

Keywords: water, law, privatisation, indonesia, infrastructure, utilities

Working Paper Series

Suggested Citation

Al 'Afghani, Mohamad Mova, Anti Privatization Debate, Opaque Rules and Neglected 'Privatised' Water Services Provision: Some Lessons from Indonesia (July 14, 2011). Available at SSRN:

Registrasi I-4 Talks: Kuliah Umum BJ Habibie

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teuku Reiza Yuanda



Sehubungan dengan penutupan registrasi keikutsertaan untuk menghadiri Kuliah Umum Dr.-ing. B.J. Habibie di RWTH Aachen tanggal 30 Juli 2011, maka registrasi keikutsertaan secara online melalui I-4 Talks telah dibuka.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan prosedur registrasi silahkan membuka situs resmi I-4 Talks di:

Silahkan rekan-rekan membuka menu Registrasi di bagian atas dan mengisi form registrasi I-4 Talks spesial. Untuk isian "organization" mohon diisi secara lengkap termasuk mencantumkan nama perguruan tinggi (untuk pelajar atau kandidat doktor), nama instansi (untuk profesional atau ilmuwan), atau nama organisasi (untuk aktivis), dll.

Admin I-4 Talks kemudian akan menyetujui registrasi secara selektif, dikarenakan keterbatasan quota pendengar. Sehingga rekan-rekan diharapkan mengisi form registrasi secara akurat. Aplikasi yang digunakan adalah Webinar yang berjalan di sistem operasi MS Windows, MacOS dan iPadOS.

Registrasi akan ditutup ada hari Rabu, 27 Juli 2011 namun dapat dilakukan lebih awal tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.

Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan oleh Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Aachen, Masyarakat Indonesia di Aachen dan Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional; serta didukung oleh the Habibie Center dan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Berlin.

Rilis berita:

T. Reiza Yuanda


Information materials on the human right to water and sanitation

Forwarded Message from IISD Listserve

Information materials on the human right to water and sanitation


On the occasion of activities jointly organized by the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC), UN-Habitat, the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) at Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (20-22 June 2011), different information materials on the human right to water and sanitation have been produced. These include:


·         A Short Glossary on the human right to water and sanitation which defines frequently used terms


·         A Media Brief presenting the current situation and some examples illustrating how the human right to water and sanitation is being implemented in practice


·         A Reader, which provides basic references for easy reading and some of the latest and most relevant United Nations publications on this issue


·         Eight Short Facts on the human right to water and sanitation


·         A UN Milestones document presenting the UN historical background and evolution of recognition of the human right to water and sanitation


Also, a new thematic section on the human right to water and sanitation is now accessible from the Water Decade website:


Further information on activities organized at the Forum can be found at:

The Unsettling Truth About Life (Allan Watts)

I red somewhere that this was cartoonized by the creator of South Park.

Well, happiness is in the present moment, they said.

[Infografis] The Internet of things

Click on this wikipedia link to grasp the concept in text.

Via Cisco

Infrastruktur Indonesia Ranking 82, Kesiapan Teknologi Ranking 91

Menurut Indonesia Competitiveness Report 2011, infrastruktur Indonesia masuk ranking 82, jauh dibawah Singapura (rangking 5), Malaysia (30) dan Thailand (35).  Infrastruktur yang diukur ini meliputi transportasi, telekomunikasi, air dan sanitasi.


Sementara itu, walaupun penetrasi telepon genggam dinilai tinggi, kesiapan teknologi (technological readiness) Indonesia masuk ranking 91, karena akses internet cepat hanya bisa dinikmati segelintir orang yang punya uang.

Dua hal yang paling mengganggu sektor bisnis, disamping infrastruktur yang tidak memadai adalah birokrasi yang tidak efisien dan – apalagi kalau bukan – korupsi.



Silahkan baca laporan lengkapnya disini.

Regulatory Magic (From Harry Potter)

I am no fan of Harry Potter, but after watching Deathly Hollow Part 2, I am quite intrigued that the Ministry of Magic have one law enforcement department and one regulatory department.

The insignia you see above is for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (Whatta?).

Anyway, this means that even in the world of magic, one needs law, and indeed, regulation. I don’t know who’s the regulatory expert there but maybe they are Hogwarts graduates?

Ontology 101

Of all responses, I love the economist.

Via SMBC Comics.

This is how the G+ circles should be organized



Via ducttapemarketing

Kenapa internet di Indonesia lambat?

Mungkin salah satu jawabannya adalah: karena kekurangan infrastruktur. Dari hasil telusuran peta kabel bawah laut, tampak pulau Jawa hanya memiliki akses ke beberapa kabel komunikasi bawah laut, sementara pulau pulau lainnya ada yang (dari peta tersebut) tampak tidak terhubung sama sekali.

Pulau Jawa:


Pulau pulai lainnya:


Coba bandingkan dengan Jepang:



OK, jangan jauh jauh deh, negara tetangga kita saja, Singapura dan Malaysia:



Silahkan coba sendiri di Cablemap. | One click to your favorite app

Quick Blog. Here's a link to a good clipboard app that will send any text or image to your apps. | One click to your favorite app

Serial BBC: The Life of Muhammad (Episode 1)

Buat yang di luar UK: Buruan tonton, sebelum di delete sama YouTube!

BBC sedang menayangkan film dokumenter berjudul “The Life of Muhammad”, yang berisikan perjalanan hidup nabi Muhammad dari mulai kecil. Saya sudah menonton episode pertamanya, yang menayangkan wawancara dari beberapa intelektual, seperti Karen Armstrong dan John Esposito.

Bagian terakhir dari episode itu menarik karena mendiskusikan tentang epistemologi pewahyuan. Kisah tentang “ayat-ayat setan” diangkat, dan ada sedikit pembahasan tentang buku Salman Rushdie tentang hal tersebut.

Secara umum, tidak ada yang baru dari tayangan ini. Kebanyakan sumbernya berasal dari tradisi Islam, dan bahkan sumber-sumber lain dari luar tradisi Islam dipakai hanya untuk memperkuat bukti kesejarahan tentang Nabi.

Bagian kedua dari seri ini yang kelihatannya bakal sangat menarik, bahkan bisa jadi kontroversial, karena mendiskusikan tentang pembantaian Yahudi Bani Qurayza.

Kita tunggu saja.

Lihat juga: The Life of Muhammad, BBC Two, review

Gugatan Warga terhadap Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial

Sekarang setelah menang apa bisa dieksekusi ya?


Salam sejahtera,

Berikut adalah salah satu informasi yang kami sampaikan terkait dengan
perkembangan advokasi pelaksanaan Jaminan Sosial oleh berbagai kalangan,
baik individu maupun organisasi. Smg informasi ini berguna untuk kita semua
dan maaf jika memenuhi "inbox e-mail" Ibu/Bapak sekalian.

Gugatan Warga Negara yang diajukan oleh Tim Pembela Rakyat untuk Jaminan
Sosial terdiri dari 120-an warga negara termasuk saya dan sebagian besar
aktifis Komite Aksi Jaminan Sosial adalah gugatan perbuatan melawan hukum
terhadap Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial MELAWAN:

* Presiden RI, SBY sbg TERGUGAT I;
* Ketua DPR RI, Marzuki Alie sbg TERGUGAT II;
* Wapres RI, Boediono sbg TERGUGAT III;
* Menkokesra, Agung Laksono sbg TERGUGAT IV;
* Menkoekonomi, Hatta Rajasa sbg TERGUGAT V;
* Menkeu, Agus Marto sbg TERGUGAT VI;
* Menkumham, Patrialis Akbar sbg TERGUGAT VII;
* Menkes, Endang Rahayu sbg TERGUGAT VIII;
* Mensos, Salim Segaf sbg TERGUGAT IX;
* Menakertrans, Muhaimin Iskandar sbg TERGUGAT X;
* Menhan, Purnomo Yusgiantoro sbg TERGUGAT XI

Dalam Perkara No: 278/PDT.G/2010/PN.JKT.PST tanggal 10 Juni 2010.

Setelah melalui serangkaian sidang, selama setahunan, akhirnya Majelis Hakim
PN Jak-Pus yang dipimpin Ennid Hasanuddin, SH. MH. membacakan vonis dalam
sidang pada hari ini, Rabu, 13 Juli 2011, dengan "MEMENANGKAN" Pihak
PENGGUGAT. Adapun beberapa point utama vonis sebagai berikut:

1. TERGUGAT (Presiden, Wakil Presiden, Ketua DPR RI, dan 8 Menteri
terkait) telah LALAI dengan tidak menjalankan UU SJSN No 40/2004;
2. Menghukum TERGUGAT untuk segere melaksanakan UU SJSN dengan: (i)
segera mengundangkan RUU BPJS; (ii) membentuk PP dan Perpres yang menjadi
rujukan pelaksanaan UU SJSN; (iii) melakukan penyesuaian BPJS yg ada dengan
UU NO 40/2004 ttg SJSN;
3. Menolak gugatan untuk selebihnya;
4. Menghukum TERGUGAT untuk membayar biaya perkara.

Spicing up the Court with some Planck/Maxwell wave-particle duality

In Ofcom v Information Commissioner, the Information Tribunal held that radio frequency waves from a BTS antenna qualifies as emission under EIR, which as a consequence, does not qualify for protection from disclosure, even if the information is deemed confidential. The discussion below is hilarious:


Mr Facenna, Counsel for T-Mobile, accepted that radio frequency waves may correctly be characterised as both "energy" and "radiation". He also accepted that it was a correct use of the English language to say that they were “emitted” from a base station. However, he argued that they nevertheless did not constitute "emissions" for the purposes of the EIR because the circumstances in which the EIR came into existence require the word to be given a particularly narrow meaning. Those circumstances were that EIR implemented the Directive which included, in its fifth recital, a statement that it was itself intended to be consistent with the 1998 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters ("the Aarhus Convention ").

Mr Facenna accepted that, even if we accepted that base station radiation should not be treated as "emissions", he was still faced with the presence of the words "energy" and "radiation" in subparagraph (b) of the definition. However, he argued that these two "factors" do not affect, and are not likely to affect, any of the elements of the environment referred to in subparagraph (a). At one stage this proposition seemed to be leading Mr Facenna and Mr Choudhury, Counsel for the Information Commissioner, into a debate on the scientific properties of radio waves. It was agreed that they are capable of having an effect on solid matter they come into contact with (for example, the agitation of the molecules of a piece of meat by microwaves for the purpose of cooking). However, it was debated whether or not they have any effect on the air through which they pass en route to such matter. We do not feel qualified to express any view on whether the less dense molecular structure of air results in all radio wave frequencies passing through it with no effect at all on individual molecules. We do not believe that it is necessary for us to do so. The definition is not intended to set out a scientific test and its words should be given their plain and natural meaning. On that basis we believe that radio wave emissions that pass through the atmosphere from a base station to any solid component of the natural world are likely to affect one or more of the elements listed in subparagraph (a) or the…

For all of these reasons we conclude that "emissions" in both subparagraph (b) of the definition of environmental information and regulation 12(9) should be given its plain and natural meaning and not the artificially narrow one set out in the IPPC Directive. As we have indicated it is accepted, on that basis, that radio wave radiation emanating from a base station is an emission.


It’s really nice to spice up the court with some Planck/Maxwell wave/particle duality Smile

Google+ Cheat Sheet

Google+ Cheat Sheet

Via Simon Lausten

Places to eat in Dundee #1: Spice

The mix kebab is enough for two persons (costs 10-13) and you get shrimps, tandoori chicken, lamb and beef, sauce, rice and the pitta bread.

The half tandoori chicken can be bought ala carte, and it is one the best tandoori I've ever taste.

The restaurant is located in Perth Road, not far from the University main entrance.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Its a bridge, covered in cloud (Who said 'summer'?)

It's a snake, It's a serpent, It's a road, It's a... It's the tay bridge... covered in cloud. Did I heard anyone said 'summer'?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

The leaves in your coffee's cream

Where do they learn to make this thing?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

RFID tag

What may seemed to look like an ordinary price tag in the front (first picture), turns out to be an RFID tag on its back (second picture).

The RFID tag is put outside the plastic cover of the product, since if it is put beneath it, the seal would have to be broken alltogether. So if you are a cleptomaniac (I am sure you are not!) and you forgot to remove the plastic, the alarm would beep. What if you are accidentally caught without the alarm beeping? Well, they can match the barcode of the product you are holding, with that on their inventory. If it is a match, then you are stealing from them.

That being said, don't steal.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Books, anyone?

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Dundee is Summer (well, for today)

It was over than 22 degrees. Today (Sunday, 03 July 2011) is literally the first time I went out of my house without wearing jackets or pullovers.

Scottish Game Fair

Some pics and videos from Game Fair at Scone Palace, near Perth, July 2, 2011

Scottish Game Fair, Scone Palace

Marksmen Blood

I always know that I have a marksmen blood inside me :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

The Fruity Salad (Home Recipe)

My wife cooks one of the best salads. I am sharing the recipe here so  you can give it a try at home. Good legacy needs to be shared! 

  1. vinegar,
  2. olive oil,
  3. salt and pepper,
  4. a bit of sugar if the vinegar is not balsamic or apple vinegar. those two are sweet already. 
  5. salad
  6. daun2an (leaves),
  7. buah kering dan kacang/almond-kacang (peanuts and almonds)
  8. pake crutons juga boleh (croutons)
  9. pakein apel dan berry (apples and berries)

Soal berapa banyak salt pepper and olive oil musti dikira2. kalo mau aman, buat di wadah biasa dulu. sedikit olive oil, sedikit vinegar, salt pepper trus coba. Sedikit demi sedikit tambahin sampe pas jumlah dan rasanya. baru siram ke salad.

I guess the difficult part would be in mixing the vinegars and oils and the salt and pepper.

And so, this is the result:

Dundee City-20110701-00396

This one taste good, but I think hers taste a lot better. Maybe it’s the composition of vinegar, salt and pepper. I guess it will develop overtime Smile

H.T: My Wife

Bribery Act (UK) 2011 is in Force. British Companies Overseas are covered for certain offences

The UK Bribery Act 2011 has just been given royal assent. Some of its offences covers British companies overseas.

s. 12 (5): An offence is committed under section 7 irrespective of whether the acts or omissions which form part of the offence take place in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.


s.7 Failure of commercial organisations to prevent bribery

(1) A relevant commercial organisation (“C”) is guilty of an offence under this
section if a person (“A”) associated with C bribes another person intending—
(a) to obtain or retain business for C, or
(b) to obtain or retain an advantage in the conduct of business for C.

Download the Original version of the Bribery Act here.

The Serious Fraud Office is in charge in enforcing these laws. There has been prosecutions involving Indonesian subsidiaries of an English companies in the past.

Jerky daging Kangguru

Saya suka sekali beef jerky, tapi ternyata Kangaroo jerky juga enak. :)

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Monaco: Get married or become a French Protectorate?

Prince Albert of Monaco's upcoming Royal Wedding is indeed a political necessity for the people of Monaco. That is because, If the Grimaldi House fail to produce a legitimate heir, their country will be succumbed by France, according to this 1918 Treaty:

"Article  3.  His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco, in accordance with the additional articles  of the Treaty of 2  February 1861, 2 confirms  for himself and  his successors the commitment assumed towards the French Government not to alienate the Principality,  in  whole or in  part,  in  favour  of any Power  other than France. 
Should the throne become vacant,  particularly  for lack  of a direct or adoptive heir,  the  territory  of Monaco  shall  form,  under  the Protectorate  of  France,  an autonomous State under the name of the State of Monaco.  In such case, immovable private property,  which has not  been appropriated  for public use and which might accordingly  be  the  subject  of a  private  claim  by the  rightful  owners,  shall  be purchased by the State of Monaco with the assistance, if necessary,  of the French State."
So that's what a Royal Wedding is for, to keep your country from being baked into a croissant! Yeah, better get married soon.. :)