Jokowi vs Foke soal air bersih Jakarta (video)

Dari video ini, tampak bahwa Jokowi lebih menekankan pada aspek sosio-ekonomi masalah air sementara Foke kepada aspek teknisnya. Sebagai Gubernur incumbent Foke nampak lebih faham soal air bersih Jakarta karena dia menyinggung kurangnya pasokan air baku. Kalau tidak ada air baku, warga miskin pun tidak akan dapat air. Tapi itu masalah teknis. Masalah utama air di Jakarta adalah kurangnya political will. Kelihatannya Jokowi punya sensitivitas soal ini, karena dia berniat memberikan pasokan air pada warga Jakarta Utara. Air minum bisa datang dari suplai tambahan air baku atau dari pengurangan tingkat kebocoran pipa. Satu hal yang Foke tidak bahas adalah transfer air baku dari satu basin ke basin lain kadang menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan sosial.

Website pertama di dunia

Buat yang belum tahu, klik disini untuk melihat website pertama di dunia. Kalau di klik people, maka dapat ditemukan nama dan alamat email Tim Berners Lee, penemu dan inventor world wide web di CERN.


Screenshot: the world’s first web page

The cost of being Batman

Too much hassle. I'd rather be X-men or Su/Spi (der) perman. Lot cheaper.

Image source: MoneySupermarket;

Incoherence in the debate over ‘privatisation’

The following is my op-ed for The Jakarta Post, cross published by The Malaysian Insider.

Incoherence in the debate over 'privatisation' — Mohamad Mova Al'Afghani

July 22, 2012
JULY 22 — The term "privatisation" is contentious and controversial but despite the controversy it causes, people often have no common understanding on what it actually means. As a result, debates on privatisation are often misleading and incoherent.
When Law No. 7/2004 on Water was submitted for judicial review at the Constitutional Court, petitioners argued that the law was intended to privatise the water sector despite the fact that the term privatisation is never mentioned in the law. Government representatives denied that the water law was a privatising instrument since it did not regulate the transfer of shares from state-owned companies to the private sector.
Why is it that the government often denies privatisation whereas NGO activists argue that privatisation is occurring? It is because when the government says "privatisation", they often mean "divestiture", i.e. the reduction of assets for financial or ethical objectives. Divestment is the opposite of investment.
The government is technically correct because the law on state owned enterprises defines privatisation as a sale of equity. However, it is theoretically incorrect to say that other forms of private sector participation such as management contracts, affermage (the private operator is responsible for operating and maintaining the utility but not for financing investment), leases and concession, are not privatisation. In those instances, the state has, to a certain extent, retreated from providing goods or services. The legislation could also be misleading.
The emphasis in privatisation debate in Indonesia tends to be on ownership. The government will deny that privatisations are occurring since there is no divestiture. Civil societies are complacent because it seems that the private sector is prohibited from participating in the provision of goods and services. These debates miss the point.
It should be understood that privatisation is a continuum. Divestiture (the government version of privatisation) and long-term contracts are a part of this continuum. But even ordinary procurements are privatisation in a certain sense since they involve non-state entities. Office stationary, internet services and other logistics must come from somewhere and they are usually provided by the private sector.
The only difference between divestiture and simple logistics procurement is on the degree of the private sector's involvement in providing goods and services.
Ownership-focused debate on privatisation is too narrow. Civil society often assumes that privatisation (of ownership) will automatically result in the privatisation of wealth, etc. But this is not always true. In some countries, an increase of civic engagement and transparency is the result of privatisation.
The very reason why public utilities were privatised in England during Thatcher's administration is exactly because privatisation was thought to be in the public interest. Regulatory apparatus was designed to defend the public interest. Later after the Labour government came to power, this role was strengthened by preventing public utilities from cutting off their services due to the customer's inability to pay.
In terms of transparency and social engagement, privatised public utilities in England are much better than the state owned companies in Indonesia. Despite being owned by the state, Indonesian badan usaha milik negara (state-owned companies) are substantially more secretive and disengaged than privatised English utilities.
Privatisation processes in England and other parts of Europe is the reassertion of the public sphere. The state reconfigures itself as a regulator to defend the public interest by applying transparency and participatory principles in the regulatory process.
In Indonesia the debate focuses primarily on the ownership question and there is a lack of discussion of the role of the state as a regulator, and the accountability of the private sector. Privatisation has already occurred through contracting, but most people are complacent because the company's ownership status remains "public".
The irony is that our country is in certain ways more liberal than the neoliberals. Neoliberal England fully divested its public utilities but strongly regulates the privatised entities and guarantees the public sphere. Conversely, our government is very reluctant to formally retreat from the market.
However, at the same time scratches the back of the private sector through contracts, but with no accompanying strong regulations. In terms of the public sphere, this kind of privatisation conducted "by contract" could be much worse than full divestiture.
I urge that the debate on privatisation should not be focused on the question of ownership alone. Ownership debate is tricky. State ownership is not a guarantee that things are not privatised and conversely, privatised ownership — could be more public than state ownership if accompanied by strong regulation.
Our focus should not be on rejecting privatisation per se and then advocating state ownership. Instead, our focus must be on the role of state in defending the public interest, in reasserting the public sphere and in holding the private sector accountable for public service delivery. — The Jakarta Post
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

Does Regulation by Contract Decreases Transparency? Comparing Jakarta, Victoria and England Water Services Sector

This paper compares transparency of water utilities regulation in England and Victoria where regulation by agency is employed and Jakarta which uses regulation by contract. Transparency is categorized into active and passive disclosure. The former uses publication of contract, service level/customer service and investment planning as a proxy for transparency whereas the latter measure transparency using the applicability of freedom of information law. The result is that transparency is lacking in Jakarta where regulation by contract is employed. In Jakarta, contracts are not published, service level/customer service information not available to the public and investment planning process only negotiated bilaterally without any public involvement. In terms of passive disclosure rules, the Freedom of Information Law is also not applicable to regulatory body in Jakarta (JWSRB). Conversely, contracts are published in Victoria. In both Victoria and England, service level/customer service information is published as they are part of public document and investment planning process is open and transparent. The Freedom of Information Law is also applicable to regulatory bodies in Victoria (ESC) and England (OFWAT).

Paper saya menguji hipotesis yang menyatakan bawah regulation by contract tidak transparan apabila dibandingkan dengan regulation by agency (Untuk diskusi tipe tipe regulasi, silahkan klik disini). Papernya sedang dimasukkan ke salah satu Jurnal. Apabila diterima, versi Working Papers yang ada di SSRN ini mungkin harus di-remove. Silahkan download apabila tertarik. Klik disini untuk mendownload.


If you understand this, you are a true trekkie

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Informasi yang dimiliki badan badan publik secara pararel

"Informasi Publik" itu sebenarnya ada 2. Informasi publik yang terbuka dan yang dikecualikan. Pasal 2 ayat 1 bilang Informasi Publik bersifat terbuka dst... cuman ada "tapi" nya, yakni Pasal 2 ayat 4 yaitu "Informasi Publik yang dikecualikan" yang mana tidak bersifat "terbuka" melainkan "rahasia". Jadi pasal 2 ayat 4 adalah pengecualian dari pasal 2 ayat 1.


Lalu ada lagi Pasal 4(2)(d) yang berbunyi: Setiap Orang berhak: melihat dan megetahui informasi publik .... menyebarluaskan Informasi Publik sesuai dengan peraturan perundangundangan. Tentu asumsi saya, yang berhak dilihat dan disebarluaskan adalah Informasi Publik yang terbuka (pasal 2 ayat 1), bukan informasi publik yg dikecualikan berdasarkan pasal 2 ayat 4.


Lalu ada Pasal 11 ayat (2): Informasi Publik yang telah dinyatakan terbuka bagi masyarakat berdasarkan mekanisme

keberatan dan/atau penyelesaian sengketa sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 48, Pasal 49, dan Pasal 50 dinyatakan sebagai Informasi Publik yang dapat diakses oleh Pengguna Informasi Publik.


Pertanyaan saya: Kalau Informasi Publiknya tidak didapatkan lewat keberatan/penyelesaian sengketa, apakah artinya "terbuka" juga?. Bisa dijawab "iya", dasarnya Pasal 2 ayat 1 diatas. Eit tapi tunggu dulu, kan pasal itu dikecualikan oleh Pasal 2 ayat 4. Kalau tidak ada keberatan atau sengketa kita kan tidak tahu Informasi itu termasuk yang terbuka versi Pasal 2 ayat 1 atau dikecualikan versi Pasal 2 ayat 4. Bagaimana kalau ada yang meminta meminta satu Informasi Publik yang sama di dua badan publik berbeda.


Contoh kasus, misalnya, saya minta catatan kesehatan SBY di Dinas Kesehatan kampung dia lahir. Di kampung tempat dia lahir saya dikasih informasi, tapi ternyata ada orang lain meminta informasi itu di Kementrian Kesehatan dan itu termasuk informasi dikecualikan. Apakah saya berhak menyebarluaskan informasi yang saya peroleh tersebut, sementara belakangan saya ketahui bahwa informasi yang sama berada dalam sengketa?


Atau mungkin aturannya adalah begitu informasi diberikan (tanpa keberatan/sengketa) di sebuah badan publik maka Informasi Publik itu sudah otomatis terbuka statusnya di badan publik lain?


Permasalahan ini menurut saya terjadi karena definisi "Informasi Publik" yang rancu; karena ada 2 Informasi Publik: yang terbuka dan yang rahasia (dikecualikan). Rancunya adalah koq bisa ada informasi yang "Publik" tapi "rahasia" alias tidak publik.