International Water Law Scholarship Programme

The Global Water Partnership together with IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, under the auspices of UNESCO, at the University of Dundee, is looking to build on their successful 2011 International Water Law Programme (, and offer scholarships for 30 participants to undertake a module in International Water Law, in Dundee 11-29 June 2012.

Scholarship recipients are responsible for all travel (to/from Dundee) and subsistence (food/accommodation) costs. GWP is aiming at providing funding for travel and subsistence for a limited number of successful Scholarship applicants. Even though final funding is pending, GWP and the University of Dundee now invite applications from suitable candidates.

Applications will be accepted from 24 November 2011 to 3 February 2012. Successful candidates will be notified at the beginning of March 2012 to allow as much time as possible to obtain visas, additional funding, etc.

The module is aimed at persons working in water resources who wish to acquire specialist knowledge of international water law, especially as it relates to transboundary water challenges in the GWP regions.

Applicants to the joint GWP-University of Dundee IWL Programme should be from GWP Partner organisations and are required to be proficient in English, either as native speakers, or to a standard of an IELTS score of 6.5. A university degree is required in Hydrology, Environmental Science, Law, Agriculture, or related field.

Read more and apply here:

Uji konsekuensi di UU KIP

Dari UU KIP itu yang saya kurang jelas kenapa pakai istilah "Uji Konsekuensi". Di yursdiksi lain istilahnya "harm test". Kalau hanya konsekuensi sih segala sesuatu ada konsekuensinya, baik atau buruk :). Pasal 2 ayat 4 tidak jelas. Yang di uji konsekuensi maksudnya apa. Kalau nggak ada konsekuensinya lalu bagaimana, kalau konsekuensinya baik lalu bagaimana. Isitlah 'bahaya' baru keluar di penjelasan. 

Seharusnya heursitiknya jelas, uji konsekuensi bahaya dulu, baru uji kepentingan publik. Karena kalau tidak ada konsekuensi buruknya, buat apa diuji kepentingan publik. Disclose saja. Usulan buat komisi informasi, agar dalam uji konsekuensi 'bahaya' ditambah dua dimensi: (1) likelihood dan (2) severity.  

Kelemahan kedua dalam UU KIP menurut saya adalah tidak adanya 'absolute exemption', yakni pengecualian yang tidak memerlukan balancing test. Sekilas nampaknya bagus, UU nya nampak pro transparansi sekali. Tapi nanti suatu saat giliran informasi yang menyangkut keamanan negara atau data PPATK atau perbankan yang dimintakan uji kepentingan publik, baru bisa kewalahan komisi informasinya. 

Soekarno Hatta's brand new Terminal 3 (Air Asia)

This is the third day Terminal 3 is in operation. As you can see in the picture, unlike the 2nd and 3rd terminal there's no Indonesian touch in the building's architecture. You will find only a budget terminal standard of comfort. Though it is of course clean and cool.

There are some cafes and restaurant at the ground floor, but they are closed at dawn. There are more shops and cafes including starbucks on the upper level. I detect some wireless signal, but unable to locate power sockets.

The security check is located right after the immigration check, and there are no more restaurant/shops/cafes beyond that. This has some implications:

1. This is your last chance to eat and drink before entering the boarding gate.

2. No liquid is allowed to pass through the security check. Thirsty? Buy your drinks on plane! I don't see any drink water tap around. (Yeah, tricky huh!)

3. There are occasional bottlenecks on security gates as there are only 4 immigration booths and 2 security gates. If you decide to stop for a food, calculate the line-up time.

Attention ALL Researchers, Google Scholars Citation Profile is Open to All!


Quickly sign up! A very important and a must have research tool, the Google Scholars Citation records every articles that cites yours. Google also calculate your h-index and your i-10 index. 

According to Google, The Google Scholars Citation Profile:
  • Track citations to your publications: Check who is citing your publications. Graph your citations over time. Compute citation metrics.
  • View publications by colleagues: Keep up with their work. See their citation metrics.
  • Appear in Google Scholar search results: Create a public profile that can appear in Google Scholar when someone searches for your name.
So, what else are you waiting for? If you are in the research industry, this is a must have tool.
Here’s a step by step guide on doing the set-up:
1. Insert your profile detail, you will need an academic email address
gscol profile

2. Insert your articles as indexed by Google Scholar. I must admit that not all of my articles are indexed by Google.
add articles

3. Select if you wish to add auto list to your profile.

4. And…. upload your pic! There you can see your H-Index. I am a bit shy with my H-Index Smile 

But, there is a defence: I know for sure that citation in edited books do not generally get computed with Google’s H-Index. Articles which are not in the public domain may also fall outside Google’s radar. Hence, in order to enlarge your H-Index, ask permission from your publisher to put it online!
See also, Google’s official announcement: Google Scholar Citations Open To All

The show is over (Mall menjelang tutup)

Hari ini saya meeting di 3 mal. Yang terakhir di senayan city.

Di postingan lalu saya menjelaskan soal eskapologi mall. Mall adalah sarana orang untuk melarikan diri dari penatnya kehidupan (ceritanya...).

Yang tertarik untuk diamati adalah 'artifisialitas' dalam fenomena mall mall di Jakarta. Artifisialitas ini tertuang terutama dalam arsitektur dan dekorasi interior mall. Tujuan dari artifisialitas ini adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah simulacrum, pemisah antara dunia khayali dengan yang nyata, yakni antara jalanan jakarta yang berdebu dan macet dengan segala kemiskinannya dengan mall yang sejuk, megah dan bersih.

Tapi semua simulacrum pasti ada akhirnya. Di mall, akhir itu adalah ketika waktunya tiba untuk tutup. Para pekerjanya pun harus pulang ke kos kosannya yang berukuran 1x3 meter yang mungkin udaranya tidak sesejuk di mall. Ini adalah waktunya untuk kembali kepada realitas.

Ibarat teater, sekarang adalah waktunya menggulung layar dan membersihkan dekor. Segala gemerlap mall pudar bersama matinya cahaya neon. Yang tersisa adalah bangunan besar dan gelap, tak bermakna.

The show is over for today.

See also:

ToR dan Proposal Nimbrung di Ciliwung

Untuk teman teman yang mencintai sungai, mungkin tertarik ikut acara ini:

Sahabat Komunitas Hijau yang terus berjuang,

Saat ini teman-teman komunitas peduli Ciliwung Jakarta sedang menyiapkan acara Peringatan Hari Pohon 20 November 2011 di Komunitas Ciliwung Condet Balekambang. Kerja bareng lintas komunitas ini didukung oleh 20 Komunitas yang terdiri dari berbagai bentuk kegiatan mulai dari lingkungan, seni, pendidikan, media. Kini sudah saatnya Ciliwung disuarakan oleh semua pihak yang peduli pada Ciliwung.  

Konsep acara kami buat menarik dengan tema Nimbrung di Ciliwung (Berkumpul, Bermain, Bercerita, Berkreasi dan Belajar di Ciliwung).

Jika teman-teman hendak berpartisipasi, silahkan hubungi kami. Terlampir adalah proposal kegiatan dan kesediaan dukungan donasi. Jika teman-teman akan berdonasi dalam bentuk barang atau uang dalam kegiatan ini, kami sangat berterima kasih. Jika hendak donasi dalam bentuk tenaga juga dengan senang hati kami terima.

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:
1. Abdul Khodir 081380748996
2. Sudirman Asun 02171140277
3. Hendra Aquan 08157988053

Yuk Ikutan Nimbrung di Ciliwung,
Hendra Aquan - Transformasi Hijau

Bagaimana menuju Condet? silahkan klik di sini.

Global Panel: The Human Rights Perspective on the Water, Energy and Food security Nexus Participate Online! Live Stream on 16th of November from 10:00 – 11:00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour)

stakeforumlogocmykweb                        Nexus_logo
Global Panel: The Human Rights Perspective on the Water, Energy and Food security Nexus Participate Online!

As part of the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference, Stakeholder Forum invites you to participate in the Global Panel online
The event will discuss how human rights based approaches (RBA) contribute towards better policymaking for water, energy and food security and will take place in a 'Question Time' format, seeing questions from participants all over the world put directly to the high level panelists.

The session will take place on 16th of November 10:00 – 11:00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour) and can be accessed online via the following live stream:

Participants will be able to input questions and comments during the live session, however there is also the opportunity to send a question in advance. Please send your questions, stating your name and organization, to: Jack Cornforth:

What will you ask governments and civil society organizations?

Human rights have been identified as one of the key issues around the Nexus approach – a multi-sectoral policy strategy based upon a better understanding of the interlinkages between water, energy and food security. The Human Rights Perspective, therefore, supports mechanisms which help people attain rights, as well as develop the capacity of governments and other stakeholders to safeguard them. The human rights perspective is also essential for policies which minimise social impacts if tradeoffs are to be made. Participatory democratic mechanisms and respect for human rights more broadly will need to frame any policies seeking to guarantee the three securities moving towards a Nexus approach.
The panel will be formed by:
-        Dr. Manfred Konukiewitz, Head of the Global and Sectoral Policies Directorate, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ);
-        Ms. Shanta Sheela Nairs, Advisor to the Ministry of External Affairs, India;
-        Ms. Danielle Morley, Executive Director, Freshwater Action Network; and
-        Mr. Sena Alouka, Executive Director of Young Volunteers for the Environment, Togo.

The session will be facilitated by Mr. Richard Black, BBC Environmental Correspondent.

Refleksi atas Mal Mal di Jakarta: ‘Social Exclusion’ dan Emisi Karbon

Kemarin baru jalan jalan ke PP. Sebenarnya sudah pernah kesana sebelumnya tapi tidak pernah mengamati secara mendalam. Kali ini saya menyadari bahwa ideologi eskapisme juga hadir disana. 

(Salah satu pojok di PP: Mercusuar-mercusuaran, kapal-kapalan. Semuanya artifisial)

Salah satu simulacrum unik di Jakarta yang sering saya pikirkan adalah GI. Itu mal betul betul istana kardus kalau di cerita Mahabharata. Di dalamnya ada lampu taman, jembatan, bangku dan jalanan konblok gaya eropa, tapi ironisnya, adanya di dalam ruangan. Jembatannya jembatan jembatanan. Bangkunya juga bukan bangku fungsional yang kita di eropa biasa pakai duduk duduk waktu musim panas sambil menikmati matahari, wong udaranya dingin kering AC -- tapi sekadar bangku supaya seakan akan kita berada di tempat selain Jakarta. Sementara, kalau kita beranjak sedikit ke jendela, akan kelihatan wajah Jakarta yang sebenarnya, pemukiman kumuh, jalanan macet, kebisingan dan sesaknya udara akibat knalpot kendaraan.







(Salah satu pojok di GI: Pohon, Air Mancur, Bangku Taman, semua di dalam ruangan beratap)

Bagi saya GI (juga Ciwalk di Bandung dan Citos dsb) adalah fenomena hiperrealitas. Didalamnya ada representasi keinginan represif (atau infantil) warga kota untuk menikmati ruang publik ditambah dengan keinginan untuk melarikan diri dari penatnya kehidupan Jakarta. Tapi apabila ruang publik di eropah, Turki dan Phnom Penh adalah simbol kesetaraan -- semua orang bisa tidur di bangku taman dan menikmati matahari -- di Jakarta, ruang ruang simulacrum seperti ini ironisnya adalah simbol ketidaksetaraan. Gembel dan pedagang asongan -- walaupun tidak ada aturan tertulis -- tentunya tidak akan bisa masuk dan menikmati istana kardus di GI atau PP. Dan mereka yang mampu untuk masuk dan menikmati pun sebenarnya teralienasi, teralineasi dari kenyataan luar yang sebenarnya. Jadilah kota kota di Indonesia masyarakatnya serba teralienasi. Di Jakarta, dari berangkat pagi sampai pulang ke rumah ada jarak antara yang kaya dan yang miskin, mereka tidak pernah benar benar bertemu.

  • Mal mal di Jakarta punya prinsip 2G: Glamour dan Grandiosity.
  • Externalitas negatif mal mal di Jakarta setidaknya ada 2: “Social Exclusion” dan Emisi Karbon.
  • Kalau masuk mal, sulit membedakan siang dengan malam. Kita jadi terputus dengan waktu dan realitas alam.
  • Didalam mal, segala sesuatunya di komodifikasi, termasuk senyum dan ucapan terima kasih.

Bandingkan dengan ruang publik di negara-negara lain:

  1. Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Konya, Turki
  2. Senam Malam di Taman Kota Phnom Penh
  3. Haji Samuel, pedagang perhiasan di Dundee
  4. Not so many ways leads to riverside Tesco #Dundee


More highways. No MRT? (Jakarta)

One corner of Jakarta. Guess where this pic was taken.

Fw: EMWIS Flash n°94, October 2011 - Euro-Mediterranean In formation System on the know-how in the Water Sector

------Original Message------
From: EMWIS Flash (HTML)
To: Mohamad Mova Al Afghani
Subject: EMWIS Flash n°94, October 2011 - Euro-Mediterranean In formation System on the know-how in the Water Sector
Sent: Nov 4, 2011 20:01

EMWIS Flash - October 2011 Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector EMWIS is a program of the Union for the Mediterranean. For further information: Monthly Flash produced by the EMWIS Technical Unit- OIEAU, CEDEX, SOGESID- It is available in English, French & Arabic. (French & Arabic versions are available few days later)
Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism / Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water
======================== In this issue N°94 ( ======================== HEADLINE 1- World Water Forum preparation, Collection of solutions IN BRIEF 2- The 1st Mediterranean Water Forum, Marrakech, 19-20/12/2011 3- Water Think Tank - Territorial water governance in the Mediterranean, Monaco, 10 November 2011 4- Porto 2011 declaration: "EURO-INBO 2011" and General Assembly of MENBO 5- SWIM-SM Workshop on Sustainable Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources, 16 September 2011, Athens (Greece) 6- The Euro-Mediterranean University: How to move forward 7- New CBCMed project promotes a sustainable Mediterranean through audiovisual cooperation 8- EC Expert group on Water Scarcity and Drought, Venice (Italy), 13-14/10/2011 9- European Innovation Partnership on water (EIP) 10- Harmonization efforts for the integrated management of the Buna/Bojana basin, coastal area and aquifers 11- Europe: From efficient water use to quitting fossil fuels 12- Spain: Minister visits commissioned desalination plant in Almeria 13- Montenegro: Another step towards a shared vision for the management of the Drin river basin 14- Turkey: European bank to fund climate adaption strategies 15- Egypt: Water challenges forcing a rethink on usage 16- Egypt: Water desalination revolutionised17- Egypt: FAO Nile Information Products Launched 18- Palestine: France launched a water supply project in the West Bank 19- Israel to focus on desalination to deal with water woes 20- Jordan: Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area 21- Tunisia: The AfDB Fosters Water Supply to Tuni
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

At least one number for every country

I impose a no-roaming policy, and this is the implication :)