Mengapa PDAM perlu independen?
Ini alasannya kenapa PDAM perlu independen
Mengapa PDAM perlu independen?
UN Watercourses Convention Symposium - Call for Papers
Co-organised by IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science (under
the auspices of UNESCO), University of Dundee and WWF
The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention – What Relevance in the 21st
5th-8th June 2012, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Call for Papers
In 1994 the UN General Assembly made the decision to elaborate a global
framework instrument on the law of the non-navigational uses of
international watercourses (UN General Assembly Resolution 49/52). The
resultant Convention was adopted in 1997 by more than 100 nations. Since
the Convention's adoption over 14 years ago, there has been a
heightened recognition of the numerous challenges humanity faces in
securing water for all, and a widespread acceptance that governance
plays a key role. However, the legal architecture for international
watercourses remains fragmented, and the UNWC has not yet entered into
In recent years, a coalition of institutions under the general rubric
of the UNWC Global Initiative has come together to examine the
underlying reasons why the UNWC has not yet entered into force.
Additionally, the UNWC Global Initiative has sought to further knowledge
and understanding of the relevance of the UNWC in addressing the
contemporary pressures on the world's freshwater resources. As part of
the activities of the UNWC Global Initiative, the IHP-HELP Centre for
Water Law, Policy & Science in collaboration with WWF will be organising
a global symposium on the UNWC between 5th and 8th of June 2011. The
aim of the symposium is to gather together a wide and diverse range of
experts from academia, government, international organisations, civil
society, etc, to debate the existing and potential relevance of this
global framework instrument.
Towards this endeavour the convenors of the symposium are inviting
experts to submit papers on a range of topics related to the UNWC.
Further details are available at
Is Time’s Person of the Year a Jihadi or an Arab Spring Protester? (Neither is right)
When I look at the recent cover of Time Magazine, the first thing that cross my mind is that it is a picture of an Arab spring protester, or an intifada, or a Jihadi. At the very least it depicts a woman wearing face veil and a headscarf.
Well it’s not. This is the original picture taken by Ted Soqui:
The woman, identified as Sarah M (twitter), is an art worker and a member of the occupy LA movement. As Soqui wrote on his blog, she put on her bandana (with extra vinegar) to cover her face from possible teargas strike. Dailymail has a report on this.
So that’s not a Niqab she’s wearing, but a vinegary bandana, and a knit cap. But yeah, photoshop can indeed make it somewhat represent those in the middle east too.
Behoold, Microsoft’s new Social Networking Platform So.Cl
Looking at its concept, I am not convinced. They said that they are targeting students, but what it really does I don’t understand. Besides, I have to use Facebook to sign in. Don’t ask me why I can’t use Google +
Memorandum Rahasia dalam UU KIP #2
Perbandingan gaji rata rata bachelor, master dan doktor di Jerman
(Via Iscabus) Berikut adalah perbandingan rata rata gaji Bachelor (S1), Master (S2) dan Ph.D (S3) di Jerman. Rupanya gaji rata rata lulusan hukum cukup tinggi.
Master vs. Ph.D
Fachrichtung / Titel | unteres Quartil | Durchschnittsgehalt | oberes Quartil |
Betriebswirtschaftler Master | 36.600 € | 44.172 € | 54.058 € |
Betriebswirtschaftler mit Promotion | 45.311 € | 58.766 € | 72.673 € |
Juristen Master | 38.600 € | 45.300 € | 54.996 € |
Juristen mit Promotion | 48.725 € | 60.152 € | 81.873 € |
Naturwissenschaftler Master | 36.039 € | 40.338 € | 50.476 € |
Naturwissenschaftler mit Promotion | 42.112 € | 49.860 € | 60.000 € |
Ingenieure Master | 39.821 € | 45.175 € | 52.469 € |
Ingenieure mit Promotion | 43.750 € | 54.600 € | 62.686 € |
Geisteswissenschaftler Master | 27.500 € | 34.755 € | 42.870 € |
Geisteswissenschaftler mit Promotion | 30.349 € | 37.996 € | 48.849 € |
Datum: 3/11
Quelle: PersonalMarkt
Master vs. Bachelor
Fachrichtung / Titel | unteres Quartil | Durchschnittsgehalt | oberes Quartil |
Betriebswirtschaftler Master | 36.000 € | 41.992 € | 52.469 € |
Betriebswirtschaftler Bachelor | 28.800 € | 34.425 € | 40.580 € |
Juristen Master | 33.600 € | 42.379 € | 51.996 € |
Naturwissenschaftler Master | 35.610 € | 41.000 € | 50.329 € |
Naturwissenschaftler Bachelor | 24.639 € | 29.914 € | 36.336 € |
Ingenieure Master | 38.967 € | 44.200 € | 50.963 € |
Ingenieure Bachelor | 35.547 € | 39.957 € | 44.853 € |
Geisteswissenschaftler Master | 26.479 € | 33.227 € | 39.911 € |
Geisteswissenschaftler Bachelor | 24.000 € | 29.353 € | 35.064 € |
Datum: 3/11
Quelle: PersonalMarkt
Gehalt Master vs. Diplom
Fachrichtung / Titel | unteres Quartil | Durchschnittsgehalt | oberes Quartil |
Betriebswirtschaftler Master | 36.000 € | 41.992 € | 52.469 € |
Betriebswirtschaftler mit Diplom | 35.277 € | 40.800 € | 46.868 € |
Juristen Master | 33.600 € | 42.379 € | 51.996 € |
Juristen mit Diplom | 31.200 € | 38.400 € | 47.662 € |
Naturwissenschaftler Master | 35.610 € | 41.000 € | 50.329 € |
Naturwissenschaftler mit Diplom | 34.852 € | 42.173 € | 49.813 € |
Ingenieure Master | 38.967 € | 44.200 € | 50.963 € |
Ingenieure mit Diplom | 38.680 € | 44.609 € | 51.200 € |
Geisteswissenschaftler Master | 26.479 € | 33.227 € | 39.911 € |
Geisteswissenschaftler mit Diplom | 26.400 € | 31.490 € | 38.682 € |
Datum: 3/11
Quelle: PersonalMarkt
Memorandum Rahasia dalam UU KIP
Saya ada 2 pertanyaan:
The quit facebook campaign
We use Internet Explorer to install Chrome. We use facebook to lure its users to Google Plus.
No, I dont have any shares in google.
“Read-Only” Politics, Dana Kampanye dan Audit Pemilu
Presentasi Lessig di postingan saya sebelumnya mengkritik praktek lobi dana kampanye di Amerika yang membuat politik menjadi – istilah Lessig – “read only”, tanpa partisipasi yang berarti.
Lessig punya solusi: dana kampanye harus didanai oleh publik, tidak lagi lewat korporasi korporasi dengan lobinya. Ide yang bagus sekali, karena dengan publik mendanai kampanye, “principal” dari politisi bukan lagi korporasi, melainkan publik.
Dana kampanye di Indonesia juga mendapat subsidi negara, dan ada pembatasan pemberian dana sumbangan. Tapi tetap banyak sumbangan-sumbangan tidak bisa di kontrol dan biaya politik secara keseluruhan sangat tinggi.
Saya kutip dari pidato Sri Mulyani:
Dan proses ini ternyata juga tidak murah dan mudah. Sudah banyak orang yang mengatakan untuk menjadi seorang jabatan eksekutif dari level kabupaten, kota, propinsi, membutuhkan biaya yang luar biasa, apalagi presiden pastinya. Dan biayanya sungguh sangat tidak bisa dibayangkan untuk suatu beban seseorang. Saya menteri keuangan saya biasa mengurusi ratusan triliun bahkan ribuan, tapi saya tidak kaget dengan angka. Tapi saya akan kaget kalau itu menjadi beban personal.
Seseorang akan menjadi kandidat mengeluarkan biaya sebesar itu. Kalkulasi mengenai return of investment saja tidak masuk. Bagaimana anda mengatakan dan waktu saya mengatakan sya lihat struktur gaji pejabat negara sungguh sangat tidak rasional. Dan kita pura-pura tidak boleh menaikkan karena kalau menaikkan kita dianggap mau mensejahterakan diri sebelum mensejahterakan rakyat. Sehingga muncullah anomali yang sangat tidak bisa dijelaskan oleh logika akal sehat, bahkan Rocky bilangnya ada akal miring. Saya mencoba sebagai pejabat negara untuk mengembalikan akal sehat dengan mengatakan strukturnya harus dibenahi lagi. Namun toh tetap tidak bisa menjelaskan suatu proses politik yang begitu sangat mahalnya.
Bagaimana cara mengatasinya? Mari sedikit brainstorming:
Pertama harus ada pembatasan dana kampanye dalam undang undang.
Kedua harus ada pembatasan dari segi suplai dan demand dana kampanye. Demand dana kampanye besar tentu berasal dari publik dan tidak mudah mengontrolnya. Perlu semacam Voter’s Education yang mengubah preferensi publik terhadap kandidat atau partai dari obyek material menjadi ideal/konseptual. Tapi melihat politik Indonesia yang primordial seperti ini, tentu tidak mudah.
Ketiga harus ada audit kampanye dengan insentif kepada auditor untuk memburu “over budgetting”. Setiap kampanye harus memiliki pembukuan dan pembukuan tersebut harus dilaporkan. Audit kampanye harus bisa melacak dana kampanye yang “off budget”.
Republic Lost, a must watch presentation by Lawrence Lessig about corruption and democracy in the USA
Lessig is an expert in Intellectual Property Rights and founder of Creative Commons. He now changed his research subject into corruption.
Add your dropbox quota size using .ac (academic) email
This might have been a flaw, but it certainly works on me. I have collected so many referrals in dropbox to the max, so I am no longer able to add more of the free quota. But there’s this .edu program that will give you extra 500 MB for every referral to dropbox, and the program is retroactive, which means all my past referrals will be accounted for.
But I don’t have any .edu email address and its hard to get one unless you are studying in the US. So out of curiosity – and not expecting anything – tried to put in my UK university email address in the form at this page. Here’s the screenshot, but there is no more box because I have already used it.
So, I opened my email and…. it WORKS!!!
Have a look at this:
You can see clearly on the above that the email subject says: Verify email but below it, you can see information that it is being sent to my email address, which is the address that I put on dropbox form above.
So now, I have a FREE, 19.03 Gigabyte of dropbox quota. Yes. Envy-me-not, people.
Now, I don’t know if this is a flaw or an unwritten policy. But if it is a flaw, I really hope that after this publication dropbox will retain my free quota, after all, I have (by accident) pointed out the flaw to them. If, however, this is an unwritten policy, then all academia can now enjoy it!!!
Update (14/12/2011 18:59):
My friend told me that this is neither an unwritten policy nor a flaw. Dropbox has been enabling it for some .ac domain since a year ago. See this link at Dropbox forum. Certainly this is not clear from their advertisement. Well then, enjoy folks!!!
Have you tried Schemer??
Guess not, coz its in the private beta, but I’ve got an invite thanks to Lifehacker.
I guess I am one of the first in Jakarta:
And probably the first in Phnom Penh:
Try Schemer.
Water Whiter Paper (UK Defra)
For related reports, see:
Water for Life
We are pleased to let you know that Water for Life, the Government's Water White Paper, has been published this morning. We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for the input you have provided to date, it has been very much appreciated.
Water for Life can be accessed via the following link:
Please let us know if we can provide any further information.
Water White Paper Team
This email and any attachments is intended for the named recipient only. If you have received it in error you have no authority to use, disclose,
store or copy any of its contents and you should destroy it and inform the sender.
Whilst this email and associated attachments will have been checked
for known viruses whilst within Defra systems we can accept no responsibility once it has left our systems.
Communications on Defra's computer systems may be monitored and/or recorded to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes.
Ph.D. Stipends - Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
Dear colleagues,
the "Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences" advertises
15 Ph.D. scholarships for the coming academic year. About five stipends
will be awarded to candidates who will be working in the area of "Global
Governance and Regional Integration"
Please feel free to circulate the attached advertisement to all
potential candidates. In case you are looking for a stipend: we are
looking forward to receiving your application!
Street Robberies in Phnom Penh
There are some safety tips which are absolutely reasonable (such as being careful with your purse when taking a moto, and to avoid returning home too late at night).
There are some streets that you need to be careful... See pic.
Publication: The right to water and water rights in a changing world
For info.
The publication based on the colloquium on "The right to water and
water rights in a changing world" has now been published! All speakers
have written a chapter in this new and compelling publication on how to
address global and climate change when dealing with water rights and the
right to water.
The right to water and water rights in a changing world
by Marguerite de Chaisemartin, Charlotte Herman and Michael van der
Environmental protection and access to water: the challenges ahead
by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Christina Leb and Mara Tignino
Climate change adaptation in Mozambique
by LuÃs Artur and Dorothea Hilhorst
The current status of the human right to water
by Joyeeta Gupta
Sharing water – A necessity for peace in a changing world
by Greg Hobbs, Alison Flint and Christie Henke
What role can law play in safeguarding the right to water?
by Bas ter Haar
"I drink your milkshake!": A short essay about water troubles and
the promise of international law coming to the rescue
by Juan M. Amaya-Castro
Can international law play a role in safeguarding the security of
water supply in a changing world, and if so, how?: Concluding remarks
by Marius Enthoven
Available at:
Please consider the environment. Do you really need to print this
International Water Law Scholarship Programme
Scholarship recipients are responsible for all travel (to/from Dundee) and subsistence (food/accommodation) costs. GWP is aiming at providing funding for travel and subsistence for a limited number of successful Scholarship applicants. Even though final funding is pending, GWP and the University of Dundee now invite applications from suitable candidates.
Applications will be accepted from 24 November 2011 to 3 February 2012. Successful candidates will be notified at the beginning of March 2012 to allow as much time as possible to obtain visas, additional funding, etc.
The module is aimed at persons working in water resources who wish to acquire specialist knowledge of international water law, especially as it relates to transboundary water challenges in the GWP regions.
Applicants to the joint GWP-University of Dundee IWL Programme should be from GWP Partner organisations and are required to be proficient in English, either as native speakers, or to a standard of an IELTS score of 6.5. A university degree is required in Hydrology, Environmental Science, Law, Agriculture, or related field.
Read more and apply here:
Uji konsekuensi di UU KIP
Soekarno Hatta's brand new Terminal 3 (Air Asia)
There are some cafes and restaurant at the ground floor, but they are closed at dawn. There are more shops and cafes including starbucks on the upper level. I detect some wireless signal, but unable to locate power sockets.
The security check is located right after the immigration check, and there are no more restaurant/shops/cafes beyond that. This has some implications:
1. This is your last chance to eat and drink before entering the boarding gate.
2. No liquid is allowed to pass through the security check. Thirsty? Buy your drinks on plane! I don't see any drink water tap around. (Yeah, tricky huh!)
3. There are occasional bottlenecks on security gates as there are only 4 immigration booths and 2 security gates. If you decide to stop for a food, calculate the line-up time.
Attention ALL Researchers, Google Scholars Citation Profile is Open to All!
Quickly sign up! A very important and a must have research tool, the Google Scholars Citation records every articles that cites yours. Google also calculate your h-index and your i-10 index.
According to Google, The Google Scholars Citation Profile:
- Track citations to your publications: Check who is citing your publications. Graph your citations over time. Compute citation metrics.
- View publications by colleagues: Keep up with their work. See their citation metrics.
- Appear in Google Scholar search results: Create a public profile that can appear in Google Scholar when someone searches for your name.
2. Insert your articles as indexed by Google Scholar. I must admit that not all of my articles are indexed by Google.
3. Select if you wish to add auto list to your profile.
4. And…. upload your pic! There you can see your H-Index. I am a bit shy with my H-Index
But, there is a defence: I know for sure that citation in edited books do not generally get computed with Google’s H-Index. Articles which are not in the public domain may also fall outside Google’s radar. Hence, in order to enlarge your H-Index, ask permission from your publisher to put it online!
The show is over (Mall menjelang tutup)
Hari ini saya meeting di 3 mal. Yang terakhir di senayan city.
Di postingan lalu saya menjelaskan soal eskapologi mall. Mall adalah sarana orang untuk melarikan diri dari penatnya kehidupan (ceritanya...).
Yang tertarik untuk diamati adalah 'artifisialitas' dalam fenomena mall mall di Jakarta. Artifisialitas ini tertuang terutama dalam arsitektur dan dekorasi interior mall. Tujuan dari artifisialitas ini adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah simulacrum, pemisah antara dunia khayali dengan yang nyata, yakni antara jalanan jakarta yang berdebu dan macet dengan segala kemiskinannya dengan mall yang sejuk, megah dan bersih.
Tapi semua simulacrum pasti ada akhirnya. Di mall, akhir itu adalah ketika waktunya tiba untuk tutup. Para pekerjanya pun harus pulang ke kos kosannya yang berukuran 1x3 meter yang mungkin udaranya tidak sesejuk di mall. Ini adalah waktunya untuk kembali kepada realitas.
Ibarat teater, sekarang adalah waktunya menggulung layar dan membersihkan dekor. Segala gemerlap mall pudar bersama matinya cahaya neon. Yang tersisa adalah bangunan besar dan gelap, tak bermakna.
The show is over for today.
See also:
ToR dan Proposal Nimbrung di Ciliwung
Untuk teman teman yang mencintai sungai, mungkin tertarik ikut acara ini:
Global Panel: The Human Rights Perspective on the Water, Energy and Food security Nexus Participate Online! Live Stream on 16th of November from 10:00 – 11:00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour)
Refleksi atas Mal Mal di Jakarta: ‘Social Exclusion’ dan Emisi Karbon
Kemarin baru jalan jalan ke PP. Sebenarnya sudah pernah kesana sebelumnya tapi tidak pernah mengamati secara mendalam. Kali ini saya menyadari bahwa ideologi eskapisme juga hadir disana.
(Salah satu pojok di PP: Mercusuar-mercusuaran, kapal-kapalan. Semuanya artifisial)
Salah satu simulacrum unik di Jakarta yang sering saya pikirkan adalah GI. Itu mal betul betul istana kardus kalau di cerita Mahabharata. Di dalamnya ada lampu taman, jembatan, bangku dan jalanan konblok gaya eropa, tapi ironisnya, adanya di dalam ruangan. Jembatannya jembatan jembatanan. Bangkunya juga bukan bangku fungsional yang kita di eropa biasa pakai duduk duduk waktu musim panas sambil menikmati matahari, wong udaranya dingin kering AC -- tapi sekadar bangku supaya seakan akan kita berada di tempat selain Jakarta. Sementara, kalau kita beranjak sedikit ke jendela, akan kelihatan wajah Jakarta yang sebenarnya, pemukiman kumuh, jalanan macet, kebisingan dan sesaknya udara akibat knalpot kendaraan.
(Salah satu pojok di GI: Pohon, Air Mancur, Bangku Taman, semua di dalam ruangan beratap)
Bagi saya GI (juga Ciwalk di Bandung dan Citos dsb) adalah fenomena hiperrealitas. Didalamnya ada representasi keinginan represif (atau infantil) warga kota untuk menikmati ruang publik ditambah dengan keinginan untuk melarikan diri dari penatnya kehidupan Jakarta. Tapi apabila ruang publik di eropah, Turki dan Phnom Penh adalah simbol kesetaraan -- semua orang bisa tidur di bangku taman dan menikmati matahari -- di Jakarta, ruang ruang simulacrum seperti ini ironisnya adalah simbol ketidaksetaraan. Gembel dan pedagang asongan -- walaupun tidak ada aturan tertulis -- tentunya tidak akan bisa masuk dan menikmati istana kardus di GI atau PP. Dan mereka yang mampu untuk masuk dan menikmati pun sebenarnya teralienasi, teralineasi dari kenyataan luar yang sebenarnya. Jadilah kota kota di Indonesia masyarakatnya serba teralienasi. Di Jakarta, dari berangkat pagi sampai pulang ke rumah ada jarak antara yang kaya dan yang miskin, mereka tidak pernah benar benar bertemu.
- Mal mal di Jakarta punya prinsip 2G: Glamour dan Grandiosity.
- Externalitas negatif mal mal di Jakarta setidaknya ada 2: “Social Exclusion” dan Emisi Karbon.
- Kalau masuk mal, sulit membedakan siang dengan malam. Kita jadi terputus dengan waktu dan realitas alam.
- Didalam mal, segala sesuatunya di komodifikasi, termasuk senyum dan ucapan terima kasih.
Bandingkan dengan ruang publik di negara-negara lain: